Reviews for Sailor Moon: The Scourge of the Sailor Scouts
Lisseas chapter 16 . 3/17/2019
The twister scene, oh my god! Amazing, and followed by some real feels in Doctor Tomoe's questions about Hotaru and her well-being. Some nice flashes of his usual crazy, but tempered with some real heart-wrenching loneliness. The nod to "Death Phantom Junior" and the reveal that even Alyssa stuffs up was great too. Also, "Muahahaha! Hahahahaha! Muahahaha - really, I'll take of him!" nearly made me spit my drink all over my monitor. You have a way of evoking the original anime as you write that makes visualising everything so easy. really felt like Alyssa's invocation of "Svetlana" should've been in intalics. Or bold. Or both! Wow, I felt the tension with that one line! I also love Hungover-but-possibly-still-kinda-drunk Amara even more than Drunk Accidental Racist Amara! That whole "at least none of us died alone" exchange was comedy gold! Jujitsu Steph's little takedown was super cool too. Nice to see she can hold her own, even if not against a bunch of Sailor Scouts at once. The Survivor's stilted, formal speech weirds me out, but it helps remind me he's meant to be completely foreign and alien to Stephanie. He hasn't spent a bunch of time on Earth like the Starlights did.

Overalls?! Do I detect a bit of a dig at 90s Mina's fashion choice by any chance? Hahaha! Then we get slight creeper Survivor - his name's pretty cool, actually - hitting on Stephanie whether he knows it or not, and she's smacking Amara on the shoulder and being all buddy-buddy? I love how REAL you make it all feel. I can actually buy them getting along away from Sailor Scouts and Shadows, just being people. All your characters' relationships really came across as genuine, in fact. From Alyssa's stern, even authoritarian side giving way to clear concern for Stephanie to Tomoe's regrets over Hotaru and the bonding between Michelle, Amara and Stephanie and even their reactions to the Survivor; it's all very well written and believable. For all that not a whole lot REALLY happened, I was thoroughly engrossed throughout! I'm sure I had more lines I loved and should call out, but it's enough to leave it here and say it was a welcome return from you that did not compromise on the expected quality at all. I'm glad to see you're back and feeling good about the fic. Looking forward to more!
Linkonpark100 chapter 16 . 3/17/2019
Welcome back! And I hope you give this new character a really good personality and development.
Toonami4Ever chapter 16 . 3/16/2019
Great to see you back in action my friend. Been a while hasn't it. Anyway, great work on this chapter. First up, great work on Grad School too. Hope you're ready for the Real World coming up soon. Hopefully it won't be long for the next chapter soon.

If you're gonna ask, no news of any Sailor Moon Crystal. Hasn't been anything since 2016. There is the Sailor Stars Blu Ray English Version coming up in the Spring. We've been waiting for what it would sound like since. But finally it's coming.

Anyway, have a great weekend
V de V chapter 15 . 3/2/2019
Hey! I actually started reading this fic a while back and meant to write a review-must have been distracted with work at the time. I was so pumped that there was a sequel! Unfortunately, I would have to reread the previous fourteen chapters to be better acquainted with what is going on now. I still want to give you a review, as I think it is important to encourage writers, so here goes:

Diana as padawan is hysterical. I am not sure that felines could become jedi, but who is to say no? (By the way, I think it would be so cool to do a serious Sailor Moon crossover with Star Wars or vice versa, depending on which universe you preferred being more dominant.

This line killed me: "'If his memories didn't have a time stamp, I'd swear that shrimp-armed brunette bimbette invented Shadow Temptressing!'"

Making Michelle suffer from a hangover is quite a contrast from the calm, cool, collected, and elagant warrior we saw in the anime.

I hope there is more time traveling, especially to Crystal Tokyo!

Good luck with cranking out the next chapter!
Lisseas chapter 15 . 12/13/2018
Great to see you back with a new chapter! I thought it was a fantastic read, with just enough comedy and drama that it kept me guessing. I loved everything about Logan's interactions with Mama Ikuko and Diana, including her impromptu "training" as they spied on the Scouts. It was interesting seeing Luna and Artemis offer their take on things, too. I eye-rolled a few times but I can't fault their logic as in-character either, which means you nailed it.

A long overdue Mina/Logan (Vegan, isn't it?) scene, too! Seeing Mina arrive at the somewhat correct conclusion for all the wrong reasons is just classic her. Perfect characterisation! And the "interrogation" scene with Amara and Michelle was a great way to end. " hole power for eating" is a low-key hilarious line, and drunk/hungover Michelle may just be my new favourite character of yours. "Future SerHEENA Suckino" had me in stitches! Great comeback, mate. I feel safe declaring you haven't missed a step, despite your concerns. Fantastic chapter, and I look forward to the next one!
Toonami4Ever chapter 15 . 12/12/2018
Welcome back. Been a while since we last saw you did a chapter. I know you've been very busy with things in life that are very important. But don't worry, I haven't abandoned this story. Hopefully new chapters come soon since the Holiday Break is coming up. Great work on this chapter.

By the way, if you were gonna ask there's haven't been any news of the Sailor Moon Crystal Dream Arc. Its been 2 years soon to be 3 years with the year coming to an end. Haven't heard anything since the Infinity Arc ended. Hopefully in 2019 will be hearing news of it down the road. Plus, Sailor Stars is coming up that year being dubbed for the first time. Be interesting how it plays out
Akuma o Kaku chapter 14 . 3/25/2018
I finally got caught up! You took the story in a direction I really didn't see coming but I'm loving it so far!

Alyssa is a super interesting character - I won't call her a villain because it's pretty obvious she's not. Not as far as she sees herself anyway. I love how she can be so bitchy to the Sailor Scouts one sec but totally protective mama-bear to Stephanie the next scene. Not like her actual mum, but I hope you get what I mean. And Stephanie is a great protagonist! I love how we get a totally different perspective on the same scene with the Scouts as the villains. I FREAKED OUT when the Scouts attacked her in the park! They were terrifying from her eyes! I was a little unsure how to feel about it at first but you do such a great job of keeping everyone perfectly in character even as they push against the boundaries of the English dub.

I'm also totally on board seeing the Sailor Starlights as arrogant pricks! I always hated them and wondered why nobody ever called them on it. Nice to see an author who isn't in love with them and I love that without Serena's influence they seem to have reverted to their original personalities. Even Seiya who is the most tolerable isn't immune. I am wondering where their storyline will go, 'coz I'm getting that subtle villain vibe from some of their lines to Logan but maybe that's just his perspective? It's hard to tell, you write the different perspectives so well I'm not sure if it's my own bias or his!

Anyways, great start so far. Looks like it's been a while since your last update so I hope you won't keep me waiting too long for the next chapter 'coz I'm officially hooked! :-D
Toonami4Ever chapter 14 . 1/24/2018
Haven't seen you in a while. Great to see you working on your story once again. Funny at the end of the chapter that Mamoru finds a good excuse of why he was late for the action. Plus, Logan couldn't tell if Haruka is either a girl or a boy LOL that was good one. Awesome chapter by the way.

As we're now in 2018, there hasn't been any Sailor Moon Crystal News since the reports of the Dream Arc becoming 2 movies instead of the TV Series. We're early in the year so maybe in a couple of months or weeks we should be getting news plus Trailers for the upcoming movies. Will see what happens moving forward.

Hope you have a great day. Looking forward to the next chapter
Lisseas chapter 14 . 1/24/2018
It's great to see you back with a new chapter! Mad-cap in many ways but thoroughly entertaining, and all while everyone continued to act in-character while taking some decidedly grey moral positions. Your portrayal of "juiced" Logan, Amara and Michelle was hilarious, and I loved that we got to see a little of Logan's inner frustrations bubble to the surface. Meanwhile, Stephanie and Alyssa were able to articulate their position and come off looking quite reasonable, all things considered, with the Scouts apologetic for their earlier transgressions but adamant their way is the right and ONLY way.

Too many gags and favourite lines to mention, though Logan's fumbled attempts at history may just be what I'll remember most along with Stephanie's "Logan played Humpty Dumpty AFTER he fell. We just stepped on him while he lay there" followed by Rini's "was ANYONE nice to him at your school?" A great chapter to welcome us back to Scourge. Here's hoping you won't keep us waiting too long for the next one!
Lisseas chapter 13 . 11/8/2017
That little fake-out got me...for like a second. Nicely done, though perhaps better suited for an April update? ;-)

Moving on, it was nice to Doctor Tomoe again, AND his random evil laughter. It's even funnier since he's so nice the rest of the time! I also loved the little hints at Shadow lore we got, including the rather creepy visual of this "Tithon Sendoff". Alyssa's growth as a character has been great to see. I love how you've balanced her development, seemingly making her less gray with her actions - knocking Stephanie out and ALMOST "Sendoff-ing" her - but giving us these little insights into her motivations and her thought process that keep her from degenerating into a more traditional "bad guy". More of her, please, and her admittedly weird "friendship" with Stephanie.

It was great to check in on Rini again too, after all this time. Interesting to see how conflicted she is over her part in what the Scouts did to Stephanie, and the guilt she feels after Hotaru called her out on being a bully. Diana continues to surprise, quickly becoming one of my favourite side characters. "Shadow Guardian of Time Apprentice Adviser Cat" is an amazing title, and her bumbling attempts to cheer Rini up with "quotes" from Future Scouts was hilarious.

I loved the reappearance of the Red Ninja and the many gags that came with it, yet perhaps my favourite story moment was hidden amongst them. Very poignant scene seeing Rini tear into Serena about her treatment of Logan, only to be asked "are you sure you aren't talking about someone else?" or something along those lines. Rini certainly wouldn't be the first person to externalise their guilt or regret onto someone else, and I think that's exactly what we saw there. Great dialogue!

Finally, the funniest stuff: "juiced" Amara and Logan was amazing. From Logan's reference to "Stodgy Old Charon" to the Charlie's Angels pose and Amara's questions about a "six-five Lunarian Knight" and "TINMAN!", it was everything I'd hoped for and more! I also loved seeing Logan open up, freed of his inhibitions, and admit he resents the Scouts not asking or caring what he thinks, even if Serena and Rini dismissed it as drunk rambling. But WE know how he feels, because we've been inside his head!

So, yeah. A great re-debut from you, full of equal parts comedy and drama. Well-balanced between goofy fun and great character development. I'm excited to see where the story goes from here, especially after that cliffhanger!

Some random gags I appreciated that I didn't find room for above:
Amara being a 'relative' of Michelle (wink, wink) and Resentful Wine-Drunk Michelle
Serena's "mangy old clown costume" and Diana's completely clueless response
Gee, I wonder who that "Lunarian Knight" could be? ;-)
Drunk Accidental Racist Amara's point that "all American soap stars look the same".
Chibi Bibi...Ugaki. Rini has a great new nickname!
Toonami4Ever chapter 13 . 11/8/2017
Good to see you back. Its been a while since you've been doing a chapter. Awesome chapter by the way. Hopefully you'll have more coming along the way. I know a lot of stuff effecting everything in life and I can understand that. Me too with work and all.

Looking forward to the next chapter soon. English Dubbing of Crystal Season 3 is coming to Blu-Ray this month. We did heard a little news of Season 4 but it'll be in two movies instead which I don't like that idea. Said it was coming in 2018. Will see for sure when clips and trailer of the Dream Arc appears in the coming weeks.

Good to see you back on the story. Can't wait for more along the way
Sailor Sapphire Wolf chapter 12 . 7/21/2016
Absolutely loved it.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/16/2016
Excellent lastfew chapters. I tried to review either ch 9 or 10 a while back but the site malfunctioned and it wouldn't post. Anyways Love the story so far. It is interesting to see a different side of the scouts and see how Logan reacts. Can't wait to read more.
Lisseas chapter 12 . 4/8/2016
Well, you were right. I didn't exactly "enjoy" this chapter, though I was riveted throughout. The action scenes were great and I got a real kick out of seeing Tomoe's incomplete Daemons again! Alyssa took the fight to Logan and co without seeming too weak OR too overpowering, and I loved her response to Hotaru's reveal as Sailor Saturn. You could practically see her mental face-palm as the light bulb went off!

Then, of course, we had the real meat of the chapter in Logan's confrontation with the Scouts over their treatment of Stephanie. I loved her bitter words and thought you did a great job of balancing everyone's perspectives. It was a bit of a shock to see Logan lose it like he did with Rini but totally understandable - not to mention Hotaru pretty much unfriending her on the spot! I also have to give you a lot of credit for surprising the heck out of me with Mina's reaction. She didn't get all meek, she gave him a serve of her own for his treatment of Rini! Her line where she accepted blame for her own actions while defending her mentee was great, and I almost spat my coffee at her "almondhouse" mistake (must be something in translation, right?)

Great chapter, mate, and I'm stoked to see what Amara and Michelle have been up to since their de-Scouting. Don't keep us in suspense too long!
Toonami4Ever chapter 12 . 4/7/2016
In the ending, it looks like the others are gonna bring back Uranus and Neptune. Depends if they want to come back after the events in the previous story. The chapter was intense as well great work. Looking forward to the next one soon.

I saw Season 3 of Sailor Moon Crystal this past Monday. Awesome. They updated the characters plus the transformations as well, similar to the 90s version. I can't wait till Monday to see the next episode.

Have a great weekend depends if you don't get the next chapter up
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