Reviews for Broken Angel
Serinji chapter 23 . 8/7/2019
This was honestly one of the most twisted stories I've ever read, but i do have to say, it was well-written and I'm glad it has a happy ending
Eli Clark chapter 20 . 3/28/2018
What about feeling terrible for what you did to Izaya, asshole? He wouldn't have gotten pregnant from a raping if it weren't for your stupid ass!
Eli Clark chapter 16 . 3/28/2018
Um. Ew. No. None of the Alternates should be subjected to being a fucking rapists child. Not Psyche, not Hibiya, none of them. If I could, I would have that man tortured very fucking slowly every day for the rest of his miserable fucking life before giving him an agonizing death in which his only emotions are terror, desperation, and horror. I'd laugh as I do it too, laugh as I chop off his fucking dick and and balls, giving him only a tiny hole to piss out of. Because he doesn't fucking deserve mercy.

The baby? In a situation like this, I don't know if I would carry it to term. Shinra was a fucking asshole, experimenting on Izaya without his consent; in all honesty, he could be put in jail for that. I always say that if I was raped, I would carry it to term because it's not the babies fault. But then, there's this scenario, where the babies father isn't just "fuck and leave him", he's been abusing Izaya since he was thirteen and is absolutely disgusting. I don't know if I'd be able to even look at Shinra or the baby, Shinra because it's his fucking fault, and the baby because all I would be able to think about is how it's the son of the very man who abused and raped me, not the son of the man I love.

I don't know what I'd do in this situation, honestly. I don't want to blame the child... but when you're in a situation like this, all you can really think is that the thing growing inside you isn't a baby, but a fucking parasite.
Eli Clark chapter 6 . 3/28/2018
His strength will never return? Well that just fucked it all up.
inlovewithshizaya chapter 23 . 2/5/2018
I’m glad they’re happy now TT
lioness chapter 22 . 8/16/2017
I love this story!
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 22 . 7/24/2017
YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES! My heart was screaming for it too, Izaya! They're finally going to love and care for each other. Izaya's been doing everything and I'm so damn glad Shizuo's finally getting his act together. I know he was traumatized, but I think Izaya would eventually kill himself because he was also traumatized- but for years, and he was taking care of both a baby and another person plus working, paying bills and rent, buying ingredients to cook food, and only getting a little amount of sleep each day. That's a lot for one person. Hell, I'd probably be too stressed out and would probably abandon everything if pushed too far. I'm glad they can finally receive happiness. I don't know if this is over (please don't let it be), but I kind of hope you show us a bit of domestic and loving Shizaya Psyche living in a good place, happy as can be. Izaya becoming an informant would allow him to stay home to take care of Psyche! And I also hope Shinra sneaks another baby pill or something into Izaya's drink again. I'm definitely ready to see Hibiya! I'm so demanding lol. Sorry about that. I'd just like to see a sequel (if this isn't over) with a happier life for them. There ain't no broken angel no more!
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 17 . 7/24/2017
Gosh this is all so intense and finally, something happy is happening! I'm glad they all love Psyche even though he was born from a bad situation. Also, I hope Shizuo and Izaya will get together again. And I hope Shiki is dead. Gone. Never to hurt any of them again.
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Oh Izaya...
Faery66 chapter 22 . 11/10/2016
Hope to read more soon.

Cat chapter 22 . 8/18/2016
kenni-bun bun chapter 22 . 7/7/2016
*heart break and crying intensifies* I can't believe they went through all of that! They need the most happy ending in existence. As for constructive criticism, you tend to mistake words a lot, usually it's the same ones. I can't really remember which ones, cause that's a lot to go through, but it isn't bad to the point where the story is unreadable. Not really.
YaoiFan22 chapter 22 . 6/28/2016
I've been hoping for most of this story when I saw the possible character death it's Shiki's, which is Izaya going to tell them what he's been doing most of the time like not sleeping, the nightmares, what he did to keep Hibuya somewhat safe.
LucyValkyrie chapter 22 . 5/8/2016
Aw that was super cute! I loved it. And shizuo is finally getting his strength back yay! Can't wait for the next chapter
NekoYullenMidnightKitsune chapter 22 . 5/5/2016
Oh my god! I'm fangirling so hard right now!
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