Reviews for Assassins Creed: 2017
SummerHasEnded chapter 39 . 8/31/2017
Hehe what can I say? Assassin's Creed fans are pretty good detective's most of the curveballs and mysteries they throw in the games don't surprise us anymore lol XD
IamGuest chapter 39 . 8/27/2017
Is there gonna be another time skip after this whole Divine Being situation gets handled and we transistion into the next story? I feel like it should be a little longer than one year this time, because not much changes in a year (a few things can but not a lot) maybe once Arc 2 is done pick up Arc 3 like four years later (in the story I mean not in real life of course. I could not wait that long for AC 2k17 in real life I'd have to jump off a roof)
KidsAreAssholes chapter 39 . 8/27/2017
Alright I'm gonna lay down a few predictions for the second arc of A.C 2017 is gonna end since I'm sensing this chapter in the story is heading towards another final battle:

1st prediction: Felix and Carter are gonna succeed in killing all of the Divine Beings and Patrick Blake forces the two into exile for getting two of his sons killed and the Assassins and Templar are gonna be left to mourn their loses for the second time (this is grim as fuck but hey man, you guys killed Chris at the end of the first arc so there's no telling what you could decide to do)

2nd prediction: Carter isn't literally planning on killing the hosts just the Divine Beings themselves. maybe in some kind of super fucking complicated exorcism (maybe he has one of the Apples of the Eden hidden, seems fitting the very thing that created them would be the thing that destroys them) and the second arc has a huge happy ending

3rd prediction: Jack is planning on stealing the powers of all of his brethren to destroy the world and once he does (and the other hosts are just normal humans again) they band together to take down Chris once and for all and realize their friend is truly gone leaving us with a happy ending, but a slightly sadder happy ending than the second prediction

Let's hope at least ONE of this right a little bit
sinep chapter 39 . 8/27/2017
What do you think Casper would have to do to gain Chris's trust? Oh and also I know why you were laughing ;)
RightInTheKisser chapter 39 . 8/26/2017
I have theory about the Divine Beings it's a pretty simple one that I think has already been hinted at so here it is: when ALL of the Beings are close to each other (less than a few miles apart) the Host housing them slowly loses his or her individuality, hinted by the slight shifts in personality as well as manorisms, like addressing each other as family even though some of the hosts are strangers to one another
this is also something I've noticed when some of the Hosts talk about events in some detail, that they only could have read about and/or vaguely remember because of the prospect of generational reincarnation. And I think the part that drives this theory home is Chris (or rather the new Jack-Chris Hybrid) shows an unquenchable contempt for Carter Smith someone who trained his father and probably taught Patrick how to keep Jack under control when he inhabited his body. Given that you'd think Patrick would've instructed his sons to respect someone who taught him everything he knew and was practically a father to him, hell Chris and Christian and maybe Casper might think of ol' Frankenstein as a Grandpa. But Chris who we know has been corrupted by Jack, constantly addresses Carter as a father even in the presence of his actual dad, Death and let's him know how he can't stand him at all (and seems slightly jealous of Carter and Death's tight Father/Son/Teacher/Student relationship) when for normal uncorrupted Chris that most likely shouldn't be the case. And this theory would also explain why it's so dangerous for them to all group together at once; because the Hosts essentially BECOME the Divine Beings and whoever the person really is, is gone for an indefinite amount of time and they can no longer keep the intensely powerful spirits in check which could lead to severe consequences and quite possibly an unstoppable force of nature that could maybe cause some kind of armageddon (which is why the Hosts must stay separate from each other, no more than two at a time can be in each other's proximity without weird things happening to their heads)
MadMaxLirious chapter 38 . 6/26/2017
#SonicIsBae #PlagueAight
sinep chapter 38 . 6/26/2017
I know a lot of peeps are upset about Marc dying but I kinda feel like Marc is dying so his irrational wild card personality can be toned down in such a way that he'll be more humble and wise (should he live through it or not) and maybe he'll get a new lease on life and start living it to the fullest while he's still got it, who knows maybe he'll even get with Virgillia and call some kind of truce with Dougie and make amends with him (on a side note I'm still hoping that he'll get a few more scenes with Alex because they lived together for years and they should be super tight like brothers, and I can't imagine how Marc leaving affected him)
Guest chapter 38 . 6/23/2017
You hype for AC Origins?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
Merry Summer
Insert N chapter 38 . 6/6/2017
Damn Chris got dark he's crossed several lines that he would've never crossed before the Assassin's need to put there emotions to the side and stop him
Guest chapter 38 . 6/2/2017
How long does it usually take to write a chapter? Cause sometimes they're spaced super close (like 1 or 2 weeks) or super far (few months) and fyi this question isn't meant to be passive aggressive if it sounds that way I'm genuinely curious
Can U Not chapter 38 . 5/8/2017
You're doing gr8 with this story brah, the chemistry between the characters and some of the witty banter are definitely highlights, although i think I should mention that you should use more personification to bring the settings to life the way the characters are brought to life for example; “Flames surrounded the house, licking and devouring it whole." -Unknown Source
Guest chapter 38 . 4/24/2017
The story's coming along nicely I'm digging that everybody's acting a bit more mature and trying to form more meaningful relationships with each other
420 chapter 38 . 4/22/2017
Is Assassin's Creed: The Next Initiate gonna be based on that “11 years into the future idea" that someone gave you a while back? (I'm low-key hoping it is:P)
sonicmeans speed chapter 38 . 4/19/2017
Fid Klash:You should do another Spin Off that focus's on the "Death Trio" y'know just show the three brothers and what they usually do together in their down time when there isn't any Assassin business to be taken care of and there parents just force them to be a family for a day
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