Reviews for Buster Squad
fanficbroswer chapter 7 . 12/10/2015
I think this might be your best chapter yet. I love it. Great characterization and I'm actually really impressed with what you've done with this plot. It's very entertaining. Not to mention how hilarious Deadpool was. I look forward to what you do next.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try out Deadpools idea and attach a jetpack to a spider. For SCIENCE! of course. And also for the sheer horror of it. Hell of it. I meant to say hell of it.
fanficbrowser chapter 5 . 12/2/2015
Good chapter. I do need to ask something. Why isn't Goku letting Trunks and Goten tag along? His reasoning that they are too young is kind of stupid. I mean, they may be young, but they're already Super Saiyans, and they did fight Buu (even if they screwed it up.). Not to mention, Goku had little problem with training Gohan when he was about the same age. Just seems kind of pointless. Granted that's just my opinion.

Interesting that you chose the One Piece universe to go to. Percy should have a bit of an advantage there shouldn't he? I mean, there's so much water. Deadpool is just as hilarious as ever, as well.

As always, good luck with your next chapter.
fanficbrowser chapter 4 . 11/23/2015
Your chapter sizes are fine. Don't worry so much about length. Just focus on writing a good story. You're doing fine.

This chapter was good. The ROB- err I mean Bob, was pretty funny, as well as Deadpool (but nothing new there.). There was one paragraph that was a bit of a block of text, but that's a really minor complaint, all things considered.

I do wonder who those bald guys with the toothbrushes were, don't know if that was a reference or what. Also, why did ROB- Bob, I mean Bob. Why did he give them teleporters? I mean Goku knows Instant Transmission, so... unless they're some sort of multiversal transporters. Is the Buster Squad going to be fighting evil across the multiverse? Cause that sounds awesome.

Anyways, I look forward to the next chapter. Wonder how the team is going to react to the insanity that is DBZ training.
fanficbrowser chapter 3 . 11/19/2015
Yep. Good chapter. Bit short, but entertaining, nonetheless. Don't really have anything to add, other than an encouraging 'Good job!' and thumbs up. Also, you know you don't need to quote my entire review if you wish to reply to it, right? You can just put my screen name.
fanficbrowser chapter 2 . 11/16/2015
Hmm, interesting choices. Rock Lee training under Goku sounds absolutely awesome, especially since he might actually be able to learn how to use Ki attacks (I'm fairly certain Ki and chakra are different things). Deadpool is just entertaining, no matter how you cut it (he gave Bubbles a banana and talked it out. Hilarious.). But Percy Jackson? I'll admit, I'm not really a fan of PJO, and people often time write the character as a Sue, but I'll trust in your writing abilities and wait to see where this goes.

Only three people though? For some reason I thought it was going to be more. Not that it's a problem having only three, you can certainly have a great plot with that amount. Hmmm, I wonder who the people were that were supposed to have shown up. Look forward to seeing Goku have a nice little spar with Lee. I'm sure it will be entertaining.
fanficbrowser chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
Okay, first thoughts. This might actually be fun. Everyone seems in character (King Kai assembling his own team to show up the other Kai sounds like him), and seeing Goku train a bunch of people from across the multiverse has potential. Especially if they happen to be weak or unimpressive fighters at first (Yes I'm making an assumption there, I don't know who you plan on using).

I tentatively look forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
how many victims are in this team?