Reviews for Diagnose Me
Skyler Ross chapter 17 . 11/8/2019
Glad that I found HisoPika, even though I'm a bit too late ( )ノ but I've enjoyed it!
Seashell131 chapter 17 . 7/22/2019
This was a masterpiece!
Arurun chapter 8 . 6/24/2018
It's really late, plus I'm not very good at english, so it may not do any sense; but the intention is what counts, is not? Girl, I cried reading this one. All I want you to know is that you're amazing, your style is great and this fic is a masterpiece, is one of the betters I've ever read. When Hisoka finally spoke, I almost died, it was so emotional. This chapter, particularly, was powerful. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful work with us, dear.
SynneFox chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
This deserves more recognition. I am not going to lie, I didn’t have faith, however you made me a believer! Now I am not surprised that there is such little traffic because this is, not for nothing, and awkward pairing. But you did this such justice! Hisoka’s character progression was so believable and well done I was hooked from the very beginning, you somehow managed to include all of his many attributes from the show, so impressive! Kurapika Was done just as well! You have a great skill for cohesive plot line and characterization, basically just writing and storytelling. I am so proud of you! And I am glad I took the time to give this a read. Well done!
InvidiaGecko chapter 17 . 4/14/2018
Honestly, I think I've never read a story so eagerly in my entire life! I started reading seriously in English less than a week ago but I can tell your style is such amazing (I've learned a lot of new words by the way so thanks)! You made me gasping, laughing, almost crying through the chapters. You're very talented!
I was just looking for cool stories with Hisoka at first and I wasn't disappointed at all! I love how you stayed faithful to the characters' essence while adding your own thing. I will certainly read your other works very soon.
And, on a personal note, I hope your health went better and that you're doing okay. Thank you again for writing this wonderful story~!
Blue Jean2 chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
I remember reading this quite some time ago, It's still one of my absolute favorites to this day, and will always be. I never actually read anything about this pairing, so i was a bit hesitant at first, but I am forever glad I gave it a shot. this is one of the most brilliant, fascinating and interesting fanfictions I've ever read, amazingly plotted and beautifully written, I simply have no words for it! thank you for writing such a masterpiece, I am forever greatful.
Looshkins chapter 17 . 11/16/2017
I don't even ship these characters but your story was too good to pass up. Thanks for the good read! P.s My poor baby Illu (_)
waterr63 chapter 17 . 1/3/2017
this is the best story i have ever read for sure. for me this is a masterpiece . congratulations honestly you shouldn't stop writing, your style is unique . tnx for posting this story
Metaphors and Miracles chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
This is really good. I love psychotic works of art and this simply nailed it. It does give a mood similar to that of 'silence of the lambs' (an amazing movie that you should watch if you haven't already). I'm going to cut this review short since I can't contain my excitement and interest over reading the next chapter.
RoraNeko chapter 17 . 11/20/2016
Awwww, super sweet. An awesome ending to an awesome fic
IanViste chapter 17 . 11/18/2016
The romance is real!
meriyanna chapter 11 . 11/16/2016
I was going to try and only leave one review when I'd finished the story, but I CAN'T! I love this so much and I am kicking myself for not reading it sooner. I haven't been a HisokaxKurapika fan and so I put this one lower on the list of things to read and now I can definitely say I am an idiot. It's so well written.

Have you ever had that weird pressure in your chest where it feels like theres pressure coming from the inside out, but also the outside in at the same time? That's how I feel after every chapter. You are an absolute genius and I hope you are still writing. I haven't checked because I'm so obsessed with this.
MissRedAndMissTaken chapter 17 . 7/10/2016
(Happy late birthday!) OMG MY NON-BEATING HEART. This is, was, and ALWAYS will be beautiful. This story is beautiful and you are a beautiful person. Thank you so much for writing this. I honestly don't have more words to express or even explain my gratitude. So, thank you!
MissRedAndMissTaken chapter 16 . 7/10/2016
*pterodactyl screeching* WHY. I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY HEART AND YOU USED IT TO PLAY BASEBALL. I still love you (not in a creepy way, I swear) But *weeping* why are you so good at writing?! Omg I love your story so much. This is seriously probably my favorite story on this entire site. The characters felt a little OOC but I think it really worked with the way you presented the story. The dialogue felt like a real conversation. And over all, this ship is one of my new favorites (thank you very much). I really don't think words can express how much I loved reading this and how sad I am to finish it. Thank you so SO much for writing this! I am sssooooooo excited to read the next chapter. (I really hope they are not dead...but you never said they were). And now for my apology. I'm soooo sorry I didn't review til now! I loved your story so much I binge read yeah...PLEASE FORGIVE MEH. On to the next chapter! (Thank you again for ripping what little soul I had left outta my chest. I needed it gone. It just gets in the way.)
Guest chapter 17 . 6/26/2016
This whole fanfic is utterly amazing. From the very beginning until its end, this was, consistently, downright a masterpiece. I was very glad I came across with this story.

I felt very happy upon reading this chapter to the extent it made me cry. You have always been capable of making your readers cry either of extreme sadness or happiness. There is always something about your writing that connects us to the story. Your writing made us feel Hisoka and Kurapika's tragic past and it was the greatest build up when your writing made us feel their contenment and happiness in the end. I felt their struggles and ending in such a beautiful way renders me speechless! Your writing makes us feel everything and imagine everything!

I could write an essay purely about how much I love this story. YOU are so amazing! Please write more HisoPika stories!
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