Reviews for Chrysalis
Adriana1234567890 chapter 7 . 1/4/2019
Hello, I know you haven’t updated this story in a while so I don’t know if you have abandoned it or whatever but I would LOVE it if you continued and finished the story. Of course, if this is in anyway causing you unnescesary stress, then I completely understand but just know that I really love it and would love for you to continue. All your other stories are amazing as well! Thanks!
seatides chapter 4 . 9/16/2018
That last sentence was absolutely devastating. I was wondering when Minato would return to the story. I hope that this misunderstanding gets cleared up and that there will be retribution because I want to claw my way into the story and destroy Danzo myself
seatides chapter 3 . 9/16/2018
If that doesn't sum up this entire chapter I don't know what does. I would just like to say that my internal monologue as I read this chapter was a muffled scream. Thanks for hooking me into this story
seatides chapter 2 . 9/16/2018
OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING. I checked out your profile and noticed this story for the first time and decided to give it a go because the summary piqued my angst-loving heart but I'm so worried now! What happened! I must read on...
Shurl chapter 7 . 8/26/2018
I’m so Glad you continued this story!
Loved the way you gave Kakashi the will to get stronger, and that he didn’t lose all trust in Minato. I’m relieved you still gave them each other to find strength in. I can imagine the wrath of Minato (once he sobers up) after this! C’mon Minato! Off with their heads!
Supervisory.Special.Agent.05 chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
omg, I love how Minato reacted to Kakashi
anjela chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
the ending was so sad ;-; im so glad that things between kakashi and minato r finally fixing up a little,, than much for the update it was beautiful
BloodRedJay chapter 7 . 7/16/2018
Oh god, Kakashi, you’re breaking my heart so badly. And my throw-my-phone-across-the-room-and-cry count as skyrocketed. It’s all your fault, Kakashi~

Seriously, I love this. I hope you update again soon! (I’m so glad this is still going and not discontinued/abandoned, I hate it when that happens to good stories.) Also, I really appreciate the M-rated warning on chapter 5 (I think it was chapter 5, anyway)! Usually I try not to read a lot of that stuff, I’m honestly probably too young~ I know a lot of writers try not to do this because it can sometimes interrupt the reading flow, but if you could maybe add warnings when the mature scenes start and end (if you’re gonna have another one)? I understand if you don’t, totally, that’s completely okay.

Anyway, looking forward to the next update and Minato’s eventual mostly-likely-over-flowing-with-angst reveal moment with Kakashi!
BloodRedJay chapter 2 . 7/16/2018
In chapter 2, my throw-my-phone-across-room-and-proceed-to-suffer-from-slightly-hysterical-laugh-sobs count is already up to about 7.
Supervisory.Special.Agent.05 chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
Please continue! I would love if Minato found out about all of this going on and then comforting Kakashi! Love your work!
Wattetraum chapter 6 . 2/18/2018
Hey :)
I was just browsing through my Favs and saw this story... I couldn’t really remember the title and summary so I simply read it again ;)
Now I DO remember all of it and once again I’m captivated by your beautiful storytelling and writing.
So the only thing I wanted to say is, that I really hope you haven’t given up on this masterpiece, I know it’s been some time since the last update.
You just can’t let this leave like that, I have to know how it continues and how Kakashi will keep his sanity... and what Minato does once he’ll find out.
I think there are less and less good new Kakashi-centered stories out there, so please don’t leave us hanging ;)
Hope to hear from you soon! :)
OttersInABox chapter 6 . 5/12/2017
Ahhh I just love your work. Both this and Nostalgia are so emotional and simply the best
astroboi chapter 6 . 4/21/2017
omg it's so beautiful i think im gonna cry this is literally the saddest and most beautiful thing someone has ever written about kakashi pls do more
Prescripto13 chapter 2 . 2/12/2017
The close of this chapter broke my heart. You conveyed emotion well!
Shurl chapter 6 . 2/2/2017
(Reviewers skip this if you're reviewing earlier chapters, spoiler alert) When I first read this story, there were only four chapters then and I didn't put it on my favourites list cos I thought it was too dark and disturbing. I'm sad that Kakashi wasn't 'saved' from duty in time..but I'm glad you gave him someone to hold on to, some form of hope, especially when he thinks he can't find it in Minato. How do you mend a shattered mind?
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