Reviews for I See Fire
ThatWeirdGirl478 chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
Well that was sad.
shit bruh chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
H chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
this is freaking /awesome/, but i found a couple of problems that you might not see as such but they kind of take away from the brilliance of the writing

"But if this should end in fire we'll both burn together" is a nice reference to the song, but it feels a little more forced than the rest of the dialogue, and when soos lets go of the note it feels really out of character because he absolutely adores stan and would probably keep it until he realised what it meant, at which point he would start crying. like, when he thought stan was dead in boss mabel he cried a lot until they reassured him that stan was on holiday (vacastan?). he might put his fear on hold in order to save mabel, because he does sometimes go against stan in order to protect the kids, but otherwise he is absolutely devoted to the grunk. we all are

but asdfghjkl this is just so good? it's so awesome i love it
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2015
Hooooly fuck.
Good stuff.
Princess Dia chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
...Wow. Goddammit, Stan why you gotta be so willing to sacrifice yourself for your dumbass brother? D: This was well written. Thanks for breaking my heart, imma go stare at a walk now.