Reviews for A Maid on a Picnic Date
Hard-boiled Egg Devils chapter 1 . 4/2/2018
Oh, come on Homura, you know you liked serving Asuka. Maybe you should do it more often. I'm sure Haruka would be more than willing to suggest more costumes for you to use.

But still, it was adorable how she acted all self-conscious in her cute little maid outfit. Really shows there's more to her than the badass leader she acts like in front of her team.

And I'm sorry if I missed the other maid date pair in it. I honestly don't know who they are or where they come from. I'm ashamed of my lack of yuri fandom.

But still, a fun story to read, and one that puts a smile on my face.
jojoDO chapter 1 . 5/16/2017
I knew it. I knew before I even read the words. I KNEW Homura was wearing a sexy French Maid outfit. I'm starting to figure you out, Mike ;)

I like how in the beginning and mid of the story Homura was embarrassed about the outfit, but near the end her attitude changed. She felt confident and sexy and she was just happy that she could bring joy to her beloved Asuka-chan ;D

I...I...I don't get the cameos! T_T sorry!
Sony Ninja chapter 1 . 1/28/2017
and what a way for me to end it with the og of og senran pairings, seriously you can not see see these two together and not help but smile by the end of it the story was cute the outfit in question was cute and like Homura I have no regrets X3
Tinkerbell16dais chapter 2 . 5/19/2016
WHAT that's it what happened to the story man can you please please make another chapter please. xoxo 3
Rashaan Butler chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
You've outdone yourself Major. This is definitely one of the cutest, sweetest SK fics I've ever read. Just the thought of Homura wearing a sexy maid outfit for her main squeeze Asuka, brings a great deal of joy to my heart. Once again you've captured the personalities of the SK characters excellently. While I can't really see Homura or Asuka on a picnic, you and Yuri-chan have spun it in a way that works. The only thing that could top this would be to see the two team in their respective couples hanging out on the beach. With the new game Estival Versus due out in the West soon, perhaps you could use that for inspiration.

Overall, another wonderful helping of Senran Kagura yuri goodness. I hope to see more from you soon. Until then, DA SAGA CONTINUES! Peace out.
Dawn of Chaos chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
Aw it was so precious~ Y'all did a great job! w And with such an adorable pairing to boot!
EasyGo chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
I... GAHHHHH! (Starts fangirling)

(Calms down) Sorry, I lost my cool there for a second. Now I'm back. Okay... Where to begin.

First, I must say that this is only something I'd expect from the the soldier, Mike, and the gentle lily, Yuri-chan. I bow before your greatness. This was an awesome collaboration. Props on your parts.

Seccond, The story... 8(u)8. I could read this dozens of times and love it even more than the last. Homura maid is so Kawaii. Taking advice from Haruka is a pretty risky gamble. No lie. I was so happy for Asuka, you lucky girl (and kinda jealous). And the way Homura denies Asuka as her master, but then ends up serving her wieners. That had to be a pure example of reversals done right. I can totally see why Homura has no regrets.

Finally, I want to say that this would be an equally awesome thing if you do this again in a reverse roles. Asuka can ask Katsu for the advice, and Homura can be the master (Just a suggestion). Or maybe putting 2 different characters in this scenario. ;)

Overall: I want this to be seen in an OVA, a spin-off game story, or an amazing title for a doujinshi. This deserves a ton of credit. High-Fives to Mike and Yuri-chan ;)
Ahuizotl Ocelotl chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
This was freaking adorable. Am I right on assuming that set of Homura Maid cards from New Wave were an inspiration?

Anyways, I reaally, really enjoyed this and hopefully, there will be more SK yuri goodness coming from you guys.
Roxius chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
lol what a sweet little story written by the two of you then, I like it a lot! Asuka and Homura being sweet to each other is always nice to see XD better than them cutting at each other's throats. Thanks for writing it! I'll be reading it again!