Reviews for A Pleasant Sort of Hell
Rose1948 chapter 12 . 2/7/2018
After a rather long spell of not reading much of anything, I'm back to reading once more. *chuckles* Old Bats get distracted sometimes.

I enjoyed your story. To me, Ramna wasn't dull. Mature, yes. Dull, no. Without all the negative stuff going on, you wrote about a Ranma who grew, matured, stepped beyond what was holding him down without his knowing he WAS being held down. Or so it seems to me. You made a delightful mix without adding too much of any one particular "ingredient" to your story.

Thank you.
Jim chapter 8 . 12/7/2016
Gen 1 prolong should work on ranma's mother. It worked on many older characters
Blackholelord chapter 12 . 5/21/2016
What can I say, but it feels like a let down, but yet again I can understand where you are coming from. To continue it and make it unique, would be attempt to make a crossover, similar to a few I have seen. Still feels like a shame...
aliesterus chapter 12 . 5/21/2016
This feels slightly rushed, the engagement I mean. Was there a time-skip?
Kitten Arina chapter 12 . 5/20/2016
My problem is that the chapter is just to short. I don't go by a word count as that is to misleading I go by the scroll bar on the right side of the screen the bigger the bar the shorter the story is.
Celestia's Paladin chapter 12 . 5/20/2016
I will admit I am somewhat disappointed that it is ending it here. There is still more that could be done, like the wedding and the grandchildren and other members of the Crew showing up (only a few, and only the smarter members). Hell there is a lot of potential of AUs of this with Ranma falling in at other points in the series, Steadholder Ranma anyone?
AnFan-n-More chapter 12 . 5/20/2016
I think this was a wonderful end to the story. And would welcome any new Ranma/Honor cross you do. It might be particularly interesting if you threw Ranma's arrival into the mix when Honor is stranded on the prison planet after loosing her arm. It wouldn't work well, unless he arrived in an obvious manor that would point out he's not a "Local".

I've enjoyed the interactions a lot. I'm sorry you weren't able to get into a Sci Fi mood for the story. I'm sure it would have been a blast!

Thanks for sharing and I hope to see more from you.
Celestia's Paladin chapter 11 . 5/3/2016
I will admit that when I first say this my first thought was "What the Hell", coming across a Ranma/H-verse crossover wasn't something I would have expected and I wasn't sure if this was going to be any good. I was surprised to see that yes it was good, yes you did a damn fine job at bringing Ranma into Manticore. Though with Akane and Nodoka back, I am waiting to see if the Nerima hijinks will follow.

Ok and I'll be honest with the title that if one didn't read the summary one would expect Ranma ending up on Hades during that whole arc.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
That last scene was easily the most amusing of the story so far. More of that, please!
Blackholelord chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
Its good to see a update! Its a good story, if the Honor books are not that wide spread enough for fanfiction readers to know about it. Personally I did not know about it until I came across a story on another site, about a Buffy and Honor crossover, and had to look up the series to get a general idea about it. As very few are willing to take up the effort to do what I did.
Kitten Arina chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
For some reason everything I have read in the past 24 hours seems to be on the short side or lacking in some way or form.
Pax Humana chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
Thanks for the update. A little light on content but those chapters happen. Hope to see more soon.
Kitten Arina chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
I am not sure what to think right now I am not a big fan of Ranma and space like stories such as this one but this has been interesting so far. I don't really know this Sarah character that you keep bringing up but I really rather have seen Ranma with her then Akane. But I hate how this story seems to be ignored for now at this moment.
Narsil chapter 10 . 3/19/2016
Not a bad little story, worth following for awhile at least. I'd suggest that Nodoka not only meets some Graysons but move to Grayson. She'd be more comfortable there, with so many people that aren't that much older than her and also without prolong, a society that even with the upheaval it's been experiencing is more "traditional," and with a lot more people that would appreciate the kendo (or kenjutsu for the more practical-minded) she can teach.
Rose1948 chapter 10 . 2/25/2016
A nice story thus far. I like it. Yes, Ranma has changed. I think anyone would change considering the circumstances and all. And the change granted by the Wishing Sword was one helluva change.

I have to admit to not caring overmuch for Akane. Not in the manga and not in the majority of the fanfics. I have my own reasons that are personal. *shrugs*

I always enjoyed David Weber's Honor Harrington books ever since "On Basilisk Station." I'm weird like that. Since I'm an Old Bat who likes some SciFi, some fantasy, and some fanfics, well, I guess weird just about covers it. *laughs*

Take care and thanks for sharing.
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