Reviews for Mortal Kombat: Desperation
Zimbles chapter 56 . 4/27
Why write off an entire species as blind morons? Maybe Baraka but whose to say all of them are like that :/
Lilthug chapter 1 . 1/21
Not sure how I feel about your hate boner for Mileena throughout the story.
Dragon Bone Z chapter 1 . 1/1
Mind helping me? Want to do a Gamer SI fic where MC finds himself in Rains body.
Guest chapter 102 . 12/29/2019
Please DO post your top 10 lists! It'll tide us over while you work on the new fic. :)

Sorry about your family issues. Without fandom to help me deal with life's bullshit, I might go truly insane myself.
thatoneguy655 chapter 102 . 12/29/2019
Thank you for the update. I don't often leave reviews, not much to say when a story is consistently really good, but I have to say something here. Thank you for your work on this story, no matter how bad things got in your personal life. I hope things work out in the end, somehow.

I'm very much looking forward to the updated version of this story.
XXX-Naut chapter 102 . 12/28/2019
It's understandable. I'd like to see what you think about MK11.
abdulmuhamin chapter 101 . 12/11/2019
what a nice story, i'm expecting more chapters, and a fantastic ending!, but dam kano, the devil raiden and his goons who torchered my favorite cassie!, give them a brutel and cold death!
thereviewer chapter 101 . 11/4/2019
Thanks for the update! Take all the time you need because your education takes priority over a fan fiction any day of the week.
Anti-W.T.F chapter 101 . 10/31/2019
hey, long time (i get that you have forgotten me already) i can't say anything else, other than good luck to you. it'd seems i have to quenched my ass even longer than i anticipated.
but, no worries. i'll wait even if it takes a thousand years for you to OFFICIALLY finish this. for as i have to admit it, your stories in general are way more intricate and truth be told WAY more interesting than mine.

thanks for the story by the way, and have a good life.
IanAlphaAxel chapter 100 . 10/16/2019
Please continue! :)
KingofSwing17 chapter 100 . 8/15/2019
No offense meant
KingOfSwing617 chapter 100 . 8/15/2019
I recommend reworking that chapter with Rain Delia and Jade. Felt weirdly mean on Jade's part and just out of nowhere. I know we talked about why things were that way on pms, It just wasnt executed well enough to me.
alwaysdoubted chapter 100 . 8/15/2019
Thank goodness you aren't importing anything from MK 11 except for Kollector. That story mode was trash (the nicest thing I'll say about that).

Good luck with editing and can't wait to see what you come with this time around.

Aiyhana K chapter 49 . 7/29/2019
I agree with that. Skarlet only wanted acceptance but always receive disappointment in the end.
EroPrincess chapter 100 . 7/24/2019
I've recommended your fic to several people to read, especially after watching the atrocious MK11 story in the game. I always tell people your fic should've been the story for MK11.

I'm still supporting this fic and I still read certain chapters from time to time. I'm glad you're not following the blueprint that MK11 left. Your story actually follows Mortal Kombat lore, you've managed to incorporate characters from the 3D Era into your fic, and you actually respect MK lore... unlike Kittleshit.

So, I'll just continue to be patient and quietly wait until your next official update.
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