Reviews for The Trickster's Bride
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
Kaito is Pervert! XD
This is so HOT!
But Shinichi is also play along and I'm Absolutely LOVING IT! It's so much better when Shinichi also play the role willingly!
Super Hot and Super Lovely Great!
BeaconHayashi chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
Omg omg omg! Their role playing and lesson teaching are so blushing, adorable and hot, causing my nosebleed. (/ω/) Gooooood job! I love this story very much!
Cyborg8981 chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
GreenDrkness chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
Damn that was cute a hot at the same time
Keep on the writes
Scaranpannoir chapter 1 . 4/24/2016
Oh god, oh god oh god I am nose bleeding! XD I just love love looooove innocent Shinichi!
Shana-Fujioka chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
Shinichi and Kaito roleplaying is so adorable and hot! I really liked it, well done! :3
EverThePhantom chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
That last guest review just now was mine; I hadn't realized FF had logged me out. Then I was going to PM you about this idea I have, but then I found you don't PM. But I have to tell you about this because your story had a bigger effect on me than would be expected )

After I finished reading this, it gave me a plunnie about Kaito actually being a demon lord who takes an interest in Shinichi after several excursions to the local human city in the guise of a human. Shinichi is the prince of the city, promised an arranged marriage to Princess Ran from another city, whom he loves and grew up with. Kaito, uncaring about Shinichi's engagement, demands the city to give Shinichi to him (with the intentions of courting him) or face his displeasure (even though he's the most harmless of the demon lords). This leads to a Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Shinichi hates him at first and plots to kill him, but struggles in these convictions as the demon becomes a person to him. Kaito is cursed: he scorned the human witch Akako centuries ago and she gave him a rose, and he would die when the last petal fell if he couldn't get someone else to fall in love with him. Eventually Shinichi sneaks into Kaito's room with a silver knife (demons are weak to silver here), but can't do, but Kaito wakes up and decides to let Shinichi go home (because he's very in love with Shinichi by now). Shinichi leaves and isn't as happy at home as he thought he would be. After a few days/weeks, the other humans decide they are fed up with the demon and go to storm his castle, but Shinichi realizes he doesn't want Kaito dead and runs to catch up, but the humans arrive first. Kaito is pretty pissed (not mopey like The Beast) and offers to spare the lives of the humans if they back down now. When some remain, Shinichi arrives and convinces Kaito to let him talk to them. He eventually succeeds, and Kaito decides to tell Shinichi about the rose, his curse, and his love (as a goodbye message, because only one rose petal is left and any moment could be his last). Shinichi starts to realize he may love Kaito and says so, but Kaito thinks he's pretending, though is touched by it. The next morning, the maid (all the servants are lesser demons) finds the last petal gone and runs to tell Kaito, who is in fact alive. Then he goes to Shinichi and they acknowledge their love and live happily ever after.

So yeah. The things you do to my brain. Feel free to steal the idea if you feel so inclined, as I won't be writing it D
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
Of course Kaito would redo half the apartment just for this (and paint the walls like stone - that takes a long time)! And it was funny that Shinichi didn't mind playing along because of the attention he got D And Kaito's such a tease, haha!
NekoGurl98 chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Hahas, Kaito and his capes and Shinichi and his books. XD

Awww... this is fluffy and sweet yet hot at the same time~
deeeleetethisssaccount chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
are you going to write a story with a chocolate-covered shin-chan?
i would love to read it ;i have already read all your storys
have a nice day:3
Zolata chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
If you continue this story you could try an Alice in Wonderland theme with Kaito as the Cheshire Cat and Shinichi as Alice.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
( ·﹏· )\
Thank you ever so much for this it was... Interesting :D