Reviews for Time to Leave, Storm Phoenix
InsanePumpkin chapter 5 . 6/25
That's sad you write about new chapter but after fee years there are noone... so sad..
Lord-Chrono chapter 5 . 6/17
It’s a pity, the story doesn’t even get To the Vegas challenge of blood Brandy
Akasha Drake chapter 5 . 3/30
I would like to point out, if you are still writing this, that Zatanna Zatarra’s father is Giovanni both are technically Zatarra
Finnish Paragade chapter 2 . 12/19/2019
Is it too early to say how lovely it is when a plan is coming together?

I dont smoke by the way so no cigars for me...
The Reading Dragon 666 chapter 5 . 11/30/2019
This is an excellent chapter please keep up the work I look forward to your next chapter!
thunderofdeath97 chapter 5 . 11/14/2019
why is it almost all of these fics are abandoned? also im torn between supergirl, zatanna, and wonderwoman lol
thunderofdeath97 chapter 3 . 11/14/2019
didnt lily technically defeat voldemort the first time? also is it only teen titans? or are there other dc characters?
The Fur1an chapter 5 . 2/20/2019
Lunawolf200 chapter 5 . 11/11/2018
I am loving this story so far! I can't wait to read more!
PGHammer chapter 4 . 8/7/2018
The Dumbletrain has been derailed - rather neatly at that. Hermione Granger just bailed on him (and will likely leave Britain herself). The question is - will she seek out Harry? The Weasleys got a sledging (mostly Molly, Ron, and Ginny) - still, what will Arthur do?
PGHammer chapter 3 . 8/7/2018
Apparently, Sirius was Very Busy during Harry's fourth AND fifth years at Hogwarts - including arranging for Harry's "export" to the United States. United States Department of Magical Affairs (DMA)- while fanfiction, such a department makes tons of sense. Early fanfiction put the Department covered under the United States Secret Service (thus under originally the Department of the Treasury), due to 9/11, USSS was moved to the Department of Homeland Security (DMA moving there as well). In my own fanfiction, I have also made room for a MAGAT (Magical Attache) - in addition to the UK having htem (a younger Moody was one - both in Hong Kong pre-Handover and - in of all places - Washington, DC); the DMA has them as well. Remember how LEGAT (Legal Attaches) are sworn FBI Special Agents; US Magical Attaches are sworn USSS Special Agents (invariably, they tend to be Muggleborns or first-gen magic users). There IS a reason for this - all USSS Special Agents - even the magic users - must pass the USSS Special Agent courses (both the Basic Course in Glynco, GA and the USSS Advanced Course in Cheltenham, MD) in "muggle fashion" - as in NO MAGIC. Darn hard. Okay - why Moody in DC? The British Embassy has a plum location; arguably the second-mot-plum locale of ANY embassy on US soil - next door to both the United States Naval Observatory (and thus, the residence of the US Vice-President). Plummiest location of any embassy on US soil today? That is currently held by the Canadian Embassy; it is FAR from Embassy Row. Oddly enough, the Canadian Embassy is in downtown (Seventh and Pennsylvania NW); the nearest neighbors are museums (the Newseum is two blocks east), sporting events and concerts (Capital One Arena is two blocks west) and law enforcement (FBI HQ is also two blocks west).
AkaDeca chapter 5 . 8/3/2018
Please update! It’s been 3 years!
AkaDeca chapter 4 . 8/3/2018
Ohhh, I LOVE THIS MASTERPIECE! Please update!
AkaDeca chapter 2 . 8/3/2018
He’s about to screw Voldemort’s finances!
dogbertcarroll chapter 5 . 6/4/2018
Excellent work I'm sorry to see there's not more of it.
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