Reviews for Cardassian Dissonance
8Gilluin8 chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Замечательные ящерицы! Просто прекрасные.
scifiromance chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
Wow, short but insightful! :) I do admit to needing the prompt in your author's note as to who Natima Lang was, but your writing got me invested in the character at once. The dialogue between her and Ziyal, and her thoughts about her, were really effective and believable, and I liked the detail you gave about the two Cardassias. It makes sense.

Thanks for writing and for reviewing 'Baby Steps'. :)

Doc Yewll chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
liked, good job!
Alaster Boneman chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
This was fantastic and that is coming from someone who thinks DS9was over rated. This is some of your best work in a while, no comdy no strangnis just emotion. Not that I don't like your odder pieces of fan fiction.

But it's like eating pancakes ever morning for like a week then finally being able to eat a piece of toast. We just need a little change once in a while.

Yours Alaster Boneman