Reviews for Deep Blue Funk
Kyr chapter 17 . 4/28/2019
Crying. Heck of a story. Thanks for sharing.
Never Ending Illusions chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
This story was absolutely beautiful! it made me cry and feel warmth! Wonderful work!
Zombielibrarian chapter 16 . 6/19/2017
Oh my gosh. I've just reread this story and have been reminded why it's one of my favorites that you've written. Wonderful, beautiful, amazing! (Had to post this here, wouldn't allow me to post again on chapter 17)
junebugsparkles chapter 17 . 5/30/2017
This was absolutely beautiful!
leftmywingshome chapter 17 . 2/18/2017
It's a good thing I love the fics that make me cry! This last chapter did me in real good! Thank you for sharing this.. you are an amazing writer! :)
leftmywingshome chapter 16 . 2/18/2017
I see what you did there! Had me laughing out loud! I marathoned this fic and was going to post at the end but you went and did what you did and I had to let you know I caught it and it was extremely cool! And I am loving this story.. makes me cry a lot but it's so good!
celia azul chapter 17 . 11/11/2016
Wow you make me cry that was a very touching story I'm so glad I have this time to catch up with all your stories.
HarryInMultiUniverses chapter 17 . 10/6/2016
This was amazing, I can't even put it in words. So beautiful and heartwarming, I laughed and cried. Thank you so much for sharing.
DextersHarley chapter 17 . 6/12/2016
Guest chapter 17 . 5/6/2016
This fic made me cry... soooo good...
SilentFlame13 chapter 17 . 4/23/2016
I really enjoyed reading this story!
croissantfont chapter 17 . 3/22/2016
Aghhh this made me tear up so much.. what an emotional rollercoaster. The PTSD seems pretty accurate, compared to accounts from my family members. Im so sad to be finished reading this now though :'(
Guest chapter 17 . 3/13/2016
Just finished this story. What a journey. What a well done story. Cried at the end.
AwkwardPause069 chapter 17 . 3/5/2016
Oh my goodness, where do I even start? First let me just say, it's extremely difficult to read through tears! I have loved every one of your fics, but this one? Man, this one was rough, but I mean that in nothing but a good way. Heartbreaking and tragic and happy and fluffy and uplifting. Wow.
You may not be an expert in PTSD, but I thought you handled it beautifully, with utmost sensitivity and respect. For anyone suffering, or that loves someone that suffers, I would say this is nothing short of inspiring and encouraging.
I'm pretty sure they would've never been able to make this work if they both hadn't come from a dark place. Everybody has their issues, but something like this is something that pretty much has to be shared to be completely understood. I don't think either of them would have been able to be with someone who hadn't been through something similar, they both needed someone who 100% got what they were dealing with to be able to draw that strength from each other.
As you say, Merle is always gonna be Merle, but I love protector Merle! When Daryl said his dad had been murdered I knew instantly who did it. I have a pretty good guess who it was that helped Ed get up into that tree, too. ;)
I also correctly guessed the name that Daryl picked for their baby boy. I'm so glad he did, and that he finally got in touch with Tommy Wayne's folks. I'm so proud of this fictional character that doesn't really exist, lol!
This was beautiful, and beautifully written!
Simba11 chapter 17 . 3/3/2016
So good! Had me crying at work. Thanks for writing!
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