Reviews for Coalesce
meow2206 chapter 20 . 9/15
So sorry to hear about this and thabk you so much for putting yourself on the frontlines as a nurse especially in these difficult times 33333 And dont worry about your writing we (readers) LOVE THIS STORY! Though not all of us may revirw the book, just know that you have hundreds of silent support out hereWE'RE ROOTIN FOR YA
meow2206 chapter 19 . 9/15
Guest chapter 20 . 7/31
Oh my gosh! welcome back!
Erdbeerkuchen98 chapter 20 . 7/2
Hello, I am so sorry to hear about your pain and suffering throughout the last few years. On the other hand, congratulations on graduating nursing school
I really like this story and would love to hear how Sayuri‘s story will evolve, especially now that she finally admitted to loving Sasuke and wanting to be with him
Aedeyn chapter 20 . 6/6
Woow i think your story is great:D Cheer up and please continue!
LowellBates chapter 20 . 5/19
Thank you for updating! I’ve followed Sayuri for years now and it’s nice to see she’s finally back.

Cliffhangers are the worst, but your mastery at their conclusion is worth it. I’m so excited to see Sayuri and the gang finally bring this to a close! However long that takes, I just hope she isn’t left with too many scars!

Thanks again!
Whitwhit1893 chapter 20 . 5/8
I'm sorry you've had a rough year. Honestly, last year sucked for me to, and a lot of other people I know. Just seems 2019 was the calm before the storm lol. I'm sorry that the lack of reviews was also a downer. I am in no way blaming you, but it probably had a bit to do with lack of updates and/or lack of interest in a series that has effectively ended(I haven't kept up on Boruto, so lord knows what's even happening there). I hope you find your spark again, because I'm sure me and everyone else would love to see you active again.
susl chapter 20 . 5/3
OMG I can‘t believe you updated after 3 years OMG ! Please don‘t stop your writing. You did so well with Gravity please find your Motivation and love for the Pairing you created. I‘m a silent reader so even if there aren‘t many reviews, it does not mean that nobody is reading it. So please continue. I hope the next chapter is longer, this one seemed really rushed but still good.
jedikhaleesi chapter 20 . 4/27
Been a while since I read this. I always liked this story. I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of that stuff. Trust me, i know the feeling. Look, take your time with posting and things. There will still be people waiting for the good stuff. :)
zikashigaku chapter 20 . 4/27
Ah chapter! It’s good to hear from you again! Don’t worry I understand life tends to do so that once in a while. My stories have been on the back burner just as long if not a bit longer because the writing hamster has disappeared. But I’m looking forward to however many chapters are left. Sasuke and Sayuri are finally going to talk about it!
Izumi-Of-The-Shadows chapter 20 . 4/27
Hello, long time reader and re-reader here. My jaw hit the floor when I saw you updated this story and I couldn't wait to throw myself into the chair to read the chapter. I love this story and the proceeding works of yours so much.
Life happens and unfortunately heartbreak has to happen too. How we grieve with it is what matters, and sometimes that means losing the things we love to do. I'm elated you found your spark again, and I can't wait to see what the future of this story holds.
In this crazy world, stay healthy; Mentally, physically, and emotionally. 3
tap-is-life chapter 20 . 4/27
I'm so glad you're back! I know how it feels to lose inspiration and the will to write. It can be really difficult. This story is, by far, one of my absolute favorites as I've followed since the very beginning. I'm so excited to see what else is in store. I hope you know your work does matter. I personally love every single bit of it.
zhiell chapter 20 . 4/27
I have given up on this fic until you updated. I loved this series and I was always looking forward to Sayuri and Sasuke's happy end. I hope I get to see the end you have written. Looking forward for more.
DreamUnicorn247 chapter 20 . 4/27
Waaah you updated! Thank you so much. Continue the great work! Looking forward to the next chapter
10tailswolf chapter 20 . 4/27
OMG YEEEESSSS! I’ve bebe waiting years for you to update! This is my favorite book in here and I was so sad when you stopped updating. I was going to sleep right now but I saw that I had an email message and it was a fan fiction notice that you update it! You totally made my night.
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