Reviews for The Exchange
ASpecialKindOf chapter 8 . 8/14/2017
I know this is long past abandoned, but I wanted to say how surprised I was by this story. I really enjoyed it. I have read most Vic/Walt fics 2 or 3 times, but I kept skipping over this because I worried it was too AU for my taste. But I think it was a really worthwhile idea and excellently executed. Really better than I could have imagined. You've expanded my concept of how two personalities similar to these could interact and compliment one another.
MissJodie chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
I really like this story, so far! I have been bad about posting reviews, and wasn't sure if I'd told you how much I was enjoying it. I came back to reread it, looking for some inspiration. Thought I'd drop a line letting you know I have been enjoying it. And how much I really hope you come back to finish it.
susan1770 chapter 8 . 1/18/2016
No, Walt is not ready to come home just yet. He has a certain blonde that has already gotten underneath his skin. I like how Vic refers to Philly as 'civilization.' I'm really glad their first case together (if Vic will actually include him in on it) is one that Walt will be able to help with and despite her misgivings, Vic is professional enough to realize this (eventually). The fireworks are going to be epic. :)
BeerGuru chapter 8 . 1/16/2016
Very well written and I like a furious Vic. Patiently waiting for more. Keep up ghe goo work, we all enjoy it.
jimmer chapter 8 . 1/16/2016
Thank you for another great chapter of this not so like Longmire that we are used to...I really enjoy this version...Keep doing what your doing..Because what your doing is awesome...
onewildeechild chapter 8 . 1/15/2016
Oh I think Vic may end up making things hard for Walt but I doubt it will be the job! So happy to see an update to your story , I have been waiting.
susan1770 chapter 7 . 1/10/2016
Wow, loved the patrol officer telling Walt, "Good Luck" and loved his response back to Vic, when she got angry about it. She needed to hear that, that was rude of her (but that is Vic). Hopefully, she and Walt can socialize a little bit, she can show him the city ( a good idea seeing that he will be there for 2 months and it would be good for him to get a little familiar with his surroundings). Awesome story angle for the victim to be Northern Cheyenne. Walt can definitely help with this case and probably impress a few officers along the way (especially a mouthy blonde whom we all love). :)
rebelxxwaltz chapter 7 . 1/9/2016
I think it's both amusing and well-characterized that Walt isn't overly put off by Vic's prickly behavior, even to the point where he wants to spend time with her off duty and perhaps have her show him the sights! I feel like Vic might warm up to him at least a bit once they start working together on this case, and maybe he'll find a way to apologize for earlier or at least show her that there was no malice behind his actions.

It was a great plot twist, giving the mystery a connection to Walt's part of the world- it creates more of a motivation for Walt and Vic to collaborate on an equal basis and allows Walt the opportunity to 'pull his weight' by providing specialized knowledge that may prove essential to the investigation.

Keep the updates coming when you find the time, a receptive audience will be waiting!
waltxvic chapter 7 . 1/5/2016
Thank you for making time to write. Enjoyed this update. Vic is gonna be surprised how good of an investigator "Wyatt" is.
jimmer chapter 7 . 1/4/2016
I am really loving the concept of this story..I enjoy how you have switched roles per-say, and that the crime is in Philadelphia...I am just wondering in the future if they both might end up in Wyoming...But I am not the author, you are..And it is your story... It is a amazing story, thank you for sharing it with us...Keep doing what your doing...Because what your doing is amazing..
limptulip chapter 7 . 1/4/2016
I was really happy to see a new chapter for this story. I'm loving it. A younger Walt is fun and I can't wait for more. Thanks.
Rebelwant2B chapter 7 . 1/4/2016
I love this story. You do a masterful job weaving the threads of a murder mystery together with the beginning of the partnership. I reread last night and thought again how nice it would be if this story rather than an AU were THE story. No S4. No disappointment. Can't wait to read more
susan1770 chapter 6 . 12/29/2015
Love, love this story and how it is developing. At the moment, I don't think there is anything Walt can do to calm Vic down and he is showing tremendous 'detective skills' in deciding to not say anything for the moment and just go along for the ride. I'm thinking their skills will do a lot of talking in the next few chapters as they prepare to work their first case. This is so enjoyable. Looking forward to your next update.
rebelxxwaltz chapter 6 . 12/3/2015
One of my favorite things in this chapter was the part where Walt is trying to get into Vic's good graces and tells her that he's 'pretty good at taking direction,' hence more or less offering to let her boss him around. She's certainly up to the task, and something tells me he might kind of like it. ;)

Loved the Walt and Ferg interactions in Wyoming, and I'm having a pretty good giggle imagining Philly!Ferg working for Lucian!

Walt and Vic so clearly have the hots for each other, even in these AU incarnations. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of fireworks erupt once they figure it out! Thanks for taking the time to update this, really enjoying it.
waltxvic chapter 6 . 12/1/2015
I love this story because I just keep picturing a young RT as "Wyatt." Damn! I can't wait for Vic to get to know him better. He's going to be so different from the guys she's used to.
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