Reviews for Tale of a Biron
Dragoncall chapter 12 . 6/12
If that happened like I think it did, then that’s genius. Absolutely genius. Take advantage of knowing a civilian identity of a cape who has a connection to Dinah and the fact that you were inserted into the setting as a Cape’s kidnapped brother to get her protection... Actually set the device down for a moment to admire that plan. Devious, but wow.
Xlerons chapter 13 . 11/15/2018
Ah, youth...
Snappy Flowah chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
On another note...
Why is the first chapter different from the rest?
It's leagues above what follows it... those things that could be marginally called a story.

Is it beta'd?

Snappy Flowah chapter 13 . 10/11/2018
The grammar is atrocious, it offends my basic capability as a human being.
While the whole OP SI thing is mighty interesting, I doubt it will keep me from being turned off by such disorganization.
And also the dialogue, well... I'm pretty meh on it, it's not bad, but not that good either.
Well that's all from me, and I'll see you next time.
Best regards...

Spartan3909 chapter 13 . 8/9/2018
Thanks for the chapters _.
MrKeyFox chapter 12 . 7/23/2018
Accidentally clicked post. Since the mc is just a dumb ten year old that pretty much limits all the things he can do in story (why didn't you just take Berserkers powers rather than having him there). Since you took most of the interesting story arcs out of the worm universe this is basically just a low tier hero story with you trying to fill in the blanks that were the best parts, considering how short each chapter is that's gonna take some time (till your "muse" starts up again).

But hey you earned that 6.5/10 and your improving yay~.
MrKeyFox chapter 13 . 7/23/2018
Hmm I'm genuinely surprised to be almost wrong, sure there are indeed cliches like your mc being a pussy bitch beta male who's weak to women but aside from that, you haven't revealed your powers to anyone (Dinah being a good exception), or that your not really Robert (give it time you'll reveal it sooner or later, your that predictable). You gotten better at dialogue now they talk like humans. 6.5/10 good job.

Unfortunately there is no reason to continue reading this, of the two things you haven't done that I listed, you will likely do those sooner rather than later,
more than likely in some dramatic fashion that'll make us go all Owen wilson "Wow". The potential Dinah romance won't go anywhere you'll just use a SI excuse saying I ain'ts a pedo (southern accent included)
MrKeyFox chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
Tsk cliched garbage and cringy dialogue.
dan chapter 13 . 6/3/2018
yes that all I need to say yes! epic story! will be following it pls update
Shadow of God chapter 4 . 6/1/2018
So is Taylor just dead or is she simply going to keep suffering in silence in the background of the story?
ThatOneGuyUpstairs chapter 13 . 5/17/2018
Okay, ignoring (for the moment) his knowledge of the Naruto world and the fact that he has a chakra system (otherwise how could he use any Jutsu, speaking of which, the chakra system is basically a second circulatory system, how did no one notice his body grew a new circulatory system overnight? Didn’t they examine him?). How exactly does his ability to summon Berserker work, is just connected to the Throne of Hero’s/the grail system, or is it an include/install sorta thing, is he limited to just Heracles, or can he summon other Berserkers or even heroes from other classes, is Heracles limited to his Berserker form or can he use the powers he has as different classes like Rider or Archer? Other then the many question I have, I like the story so far, please continue, the idea of a puppy love relationship between Dinah and Biron are kinda adorable to me.
ThatOneGuyUpstairs chapter 3 . 5/17/2018
I’m pretty sure the Tailed Beast can only be sealed the way they are is because they’re basically just giant ball’s of sentient chakra, they only have mass in the same sense that anything created by chakra had mass. With the possible exception of Simurg and possibly any of the endbringers we haven’t seen yet, I’m pretty sure the endbringers are all solid objects, I’m not saying it’d be impossible for them be sealed, but ever time a physical object was sealed in Naruto (kunai, puppets, bodies, etc...) it was always something that wasn’t alive, the only exception was when Sasuke was put in that casket when he got his curse seal, but he basically dead for the entire time he was in it, not saying there’s no way in universe that it couldn’t be done, but this is just something I feel should be addressed going forward.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/11/2018
Still interesting, even with crack moments
Guest chapter 12 . 5/9/2018
Accidentally getting the goal completed without even realizing it. While also simultaneously making things worse. Actually... I wonder if they end up finding some crumbs coil left behind that wouldn't have been seen before due to just not looking.
1Batman4u chapter 13 . 5/9/2018
Dinah: "I can't see your numbers."
Bobby: "Of course you can't, I'm a ninja."
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