Reviews for Blood in the Water
Troy Haughn chapter 1 . 5/2
Enjoyed your story. Long time fan of the Visonaries brand. You really should join the facebook groups and share there as well.
Deirdre Skye chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
Perhaps worth noting: fire coral is a real thing. It's yellow rather than red, and it doesn't cause actual burns, but its sting is routinely described as "burning," anti sting whatever brushes up against it.
Heart of the Demons chapter 4 . 4/29/2016
Having seen the "Visionaries" cartoon, I feel the two female Visionaries - Spectral Dame Galadria and Darkling Lady Virulina - got the short end of the stick, leaving most of the fighting to their male comrades. You, my friend, have nailed both women's personalities. They're truly characters, not caricatures. You're probably aware that there's gonna be a new "Visionaries" movie that's part of the new Hasbro Cinematic Universe, which consists of "G.I. Joe," "ROM the Spaceknight," "M.A.S.K.," "Micronauts," and "Visionaries" itself. I'm gonna tune into the new universe, and I hope you will as well.
The Worst Kind of Monster chapter 4 . 2/1/2016
I couldn’t even remember the name of this show until I stumbled across your fanfic, and promptly resurrected a childhood classic by binge watching the entire thing in under a day. It was horrifically camp, and so 80s at time it made you want to cringe or yell at the screen. And the animation was at best a joke and at worst a travesty. And yet, it seemed to have a certain allure and an untapped potential that, if polished off in the new millennium, could indeed reveal a hidden gem.

Your story does wonders to do just that, chopping away a lot of the chaff and more ridiculous elements and focusing on what made the Visionaries great. In particular, choosing to give focus to the under appreciated ladies of the show, Virulina and Galadria, definitely earned you some points with this reader. Forcing them together for a mission did wonders to bring out their best and worst, and all but personified one of the more interest aspects of the show: that both sides were part of the new world and had to work together against greater threats or crisis with their unique methods. Pragmatism and ruthlessness for the bad guys, and honor and wisdom for the good guys. Or gals, in this case. In addition, their swimsuits, while an attempt at fanservice (and a successful one, based on the accompany artwork) worked well also because it also emphasized how the show was not just fantasy, but was equally in some ways science fiction, with the Age of Science only JUST over and the Age of Magic in its infancy.

The ending being a mundane cure for chicken soup was indeed hilarious, though knowing Merklynn and wizards in general, that must be one hell of a cold. He could be sneezing toads for all we know. Good story overall, very well done.
MerklynsApprenti chapter 4 . 12/30/2015
Clearly you have great magical power of your own. You have written the finest tale ever to be told concerning the Knights of the Magical Light. Well done, Visionary.
MerklynsApprenti chapter 2 . 12/28/2015
You truly delve into a mystical realm, and not just Prysmos either. The ocean depths remain an alluring mystery regardless of which planet they are found on. Dangerous as well.
Element Dragons chapter 4 . 12/30/2015
And so the Planet of Prysmos is safe for another day, and the magic continues to flow freely, thanks to the efforts of Galadria and Virulina.
MerklynsApprenti chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
A daunting task has been undertaken, not only by the Visionaries but by you, writer. The world of Prymos has long been abandoned. I only hope you can breathe new life back into it.
Element Dragons chapter 3 . 12/13/2015
Oh man it’s getting good, please continue this story.
Wavelength chapter 2 . 10/30/2015
A Visionaries fic? I didn't know they existed! And a very good one, too! Keep up the good work!
Grimm Reaper Zero chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
Well now, I didn't expect to stumble across one of these. As a fellow child of the 80s, I remember the Visionaries. I think I even owned one or two of the action figures. But definitely not one of the girls, who I preferred. It is a vast shame neither Galadria or Virulina were either able to achieve much in the short run of the show, but if your story can even do half the things I hope it can to correct that, then I eagerly await what is to come. So then, onwards to find the Pearl of Nyseis (nice name) and learn more about the oceans of Prysmos.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
nice. what else ya got?