Reviews for The Guardian & The Eldest Goddess
Ckshons chapter 6 . 1/22/2018
Have Percy and hestia get together! Duh!
Germzy chapter 5 . 12/17/2017
very good
Guest chapter 6 . 5/16/2017
Tell what happened to percy after her death
SummonedSnake chapter 6 . 7/24/2016
Dude just make Hestia fall in love with Percy and have them group together and start dating
Guest chapter 6 . 6/21/2016
make all the campers think he killed annabeth and let him be the guardian of the hunt, slowly making it pertemis!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/21/2016
Diavo chapter 6 . 5/13/2016
I want an update.
chio10 chapter 6 . 4/12/2016
continua la historia, pliss
Thundercade chapter 6 . 4/12/2016
I'm glad your'e alive and updating! xD As for ideas for what to do with the story i'm not really sure but from the title 'Guardian' i guess Percy could become some sort of guardian of Hestia and then things happen from there, or u could just go down the hunters route. Looking forward to the next update :)
Guest chapter 6 . 4/12/2016
Annabeth is dead, now would be when everyone betrays percy
dogbiscuit1967 chapter 6 . 4/12/2016
The dreaded writers block, I understand that so here is an idea for you. You can pick the story up at the funeral for Annabeth, after which Percy will be depressed and blame himself about her death. Then mysterious things will start to happen around camp (thanks to Athena and Artemis) to where the campers force Percy to run away. During his time running away Hestia can feel him lose hope and go to him. Percy will tell her about the things that happened at camp which will upset the goddess who comes up with a plan. From here you could have her enlist the aid of another god such as Hades or Apollo to help remove his demigod scent and create a charm that changes his appearance. They can then create a home or base if you will for Percy to operate out of as Hestia and the other god send him on missions. At some point Percy can get severely injured and Hestia stays with him to care for him and realizes that she loves him. You can add a few chapters with missions and monster fights and go from there.
MathStew chapter 2 . 4/11/2016
I remember once seven months ago I said that I would publish a chapter of this story every week... well, so much for that. Anyway, updating this story is on my to do list now, to be honest I completly forgot about it in all of my schoolwork, plus the fact that I'm moving all the way from little old New Zealand to England, soon. Anyway, thanks for your support, and I will see you soon! Now to find that long-gone piece of paper with all of my ideas on it...
Thundercade chapter 4 . 2/15/2016
I just read this again,so much potential, i hope it's not abandoned : /. I'm hoping for another update :)
ethan.lukkar chapter 5 . 12/30/2015
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
Jfitzgerald chapter 5 . 12/6/2015
Please update again soon. Thanks.
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