Reviews for The Other Side
Suicidal Nobody chapter 10 . 4/13
It's nice that at least one wants to help.
Suicidal Nobody chapter 9 . 4/13
Good so far but I don't think she would write about that in something that's gonna get read.
Suicidal Nobody chapter 5 . 4/12
Alright, plot is set, time to see what you do with it.
Suicidal Nobody chapter 4 . 4/12
Thiccness to the plot
Suicidal Nobody chapter 3 . 4/12
I like this so far
Suicidal Nobody chapter 1 . 4/12
I'm very excited to read this story :)
FoxFanfics chapter 11 . 8/28/2019
let's see how long this lasts eh? and Pyrrha being legally adopted into the family? Oh dear that might fall through rather quickly if/when Ruby find out about Pyrrha true feelings towards her. (Ahem: legally they'll be sisters, so it juuust might still count as (and correct me if i'm wrong) incest, and therefore depending on the state the story takes place in is illegal.(Ha! you thought shit was gettin bad? just wait til your new cop dad hears about that!))
Ouch 3 chapter 23 . 7/25/2019
I love this, I love you, and I love Pyrruby.
Ouch chapter 4 . 7/25/2019
I feel bad because I don't like crying so I naturally start smiling and giggling to keep myself from being sad and this is a terrible reason to be smiling and giggling-
bobtankerman chapter 12 . 12/22/2018
but wait, if she is adopted, is herruby illegal under incest?
it's just another primate chapter 17 . 6/9/2017
Aaaarrrrgh. Milk and cereal is just, iit's right freaking there! Ruby why?! Just exepter her love dingus dangit! :P it's too good so far. Yer such a teaser DX
it's just another primate chapter 14 . 6/9/2017
Aww it's all so fluffy! :P
it's just another primate chapter 5 . 6/8/2017
Yu know this story is reminding me of 'hello darkness my old friend' which was also a milk and cereal fic (barely) and it was actually really dark. Like, ruby was a drug addict dark. I wouldn't recommend it for the feint of heart but it's really good.
Kai'sa is best girl chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
rly Good... like, REALY GOOD. i also Love the destiny references I'm stoked for destiny 2 #Caydeisbestvanguardever
Nagaichi chapter 23 . 5/17/2017
That was awesome!
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