Reviews for Chorus of Connections
Umbrella6661 chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
Hello, I'm a french fan of Kingdom Hearts and I love your fanfic Chorus of connection. I'm interested by your revision of Kingdom Hearts 1 with Sora and kairi together. With a different beginning and characters like Vanitas who have a role in the story, I see this lijke a reboot of the saga. I would like to know: are you still on this story and if you're going to update your story ? Because I love your story and I would like to see what happens next, please.

If you receive this message, send a response in a chapter please.
FlowerLady-Aerith chapter 10 . 6/12/2016
Interesting, Roxas and Namine. I wonder where you are taking this since you said it would be different from the game. Well, I hope you update soon! I'll be looking forward to it this time!
FlowerLady-Aerith chapter 9 . 6/12/2016
I had forgotten I was reading this story so when I got the update e-mails months ago I was confused. Glad I clicked on it again, though. Nice work as always!
veronica.toon.7 chapter 10 . 12/18/2015
Yes! Awesome job, I love how you added in the Nobodies though, then again, they might not actually be Nobodies now. Curious things to consider. I love the ending, it was cute yet sweet at the same time. Keep up the good work!
veronica.toon.7 chapter 9 . 12/14/2015
I think the flower children are different colored pansies. I like how the flowers treated Sora and Kairi better than Alice. I really liked them until the point of the movie where they made fun of her. It was adorable though how you made then refer to Sora and Kairi as a couple, and were completely oblivious to their reactions. I love Wonderland and I'm so glad you added into the chapter. I look forward to the other words you have in store for the future. Keep up the good work and happy writings!
Spiderfan626 chapter 9 . 12/13/2015
He he he... Loved the Sokai teasing moment with the flowers. Good to see this won't completely follow the original KH game. The new additional worlds will be good. I wonder if they'll run into Riku in this?
veronica.toon.7 chapter 8 . 12/8/2015
The masked figure and cloaked figure scene was very enjoyable to read and I remember the scene where the Queen of Hearts becomes happy at the thought at the end where she loses her temper. I really liked that scene, but I thought the chase scene at the end was pretty scary.
I like how this chapter went. Keep up the good work and I hope school is going well for you.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
I actually don't like Sira's KH3 outfit as much as his KH2 one.
veronica.toon.7 chapter 7 . 12/6/2015
Sweet, another awesome chapter. Thanks for giving us some clue insight for what's going to be a matter for the next chapters ahead. I how Maleficent makes her appearance at the end. I hope Kairi will come out safe though.
veronica.toon.7 chapter 6 . 12/4/2015
Ooh, I can't wait to find out what happens next. This is getting really exciting. :D Really great job on this chapter, definitely one of my favorites.
veronica.toon.7 chapter 5 . 12/4/2015
Yay, 101 Dalmatians. I haven't seen that movie in forever, so it was a nice and cute surprise to see them added into your story. I like how your story is right parallel to the original story, yet with some fun, added twists into it. Awesome work.
FlowerLady-Aerith chapter 6 . 12/4/2015
I got the email that this story had been updated and I'd completely forgotten that I was reading it soooo I re-read everything and I'm happy to discover why I favorited in the first place. :) I like the concept you're working with and I'm looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds.

I'll keep an eye out for your updates :)
Spiderfan626 chapter 5 . 12/3/2015
I'm glad to see you finally update. Sweet Sokai moments. Gotta love them. Oh! If you put a Frozen world in here, you should have Anna try to get Sora and Kairi together. That would be funny. So, I take it they talk about the Heartless, Nobodies, and the Orginazation in the next chapter. Update soon!
Existential Complaining chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
So you wanted some criticism about your grammar, right? Well from what I've read, nothing seems to be too bad. There is one small thing with the dialogue I've notices. Take this as example:

This is you: "Sorry about leaving so soon, but I have to go." Kairi said.
This is the "proper" way to do it: "Sorry about leaving so soon, but I have to go," Kairi said.

You see the difference? There's a comma at the end of the dialogue. If you have something after the quotes like, (He said) or (She says), always put a comma before the end quote. Unless it's two sentences in one quote.

I put quotes over proper because to me it doesn't really matter, but the Beta Reader for my story always tells me this. I just thought you should know. Only use periods when the dialogue accompanied by an action, like this:

"At least, that's what I know." Sora shrugs.

Anyway, I made this sentence forming lesson took way too long, lol. And who am I to talk about these mistakes, I make them too!

Anyway, your story is really interesting so far. I like the how well you describe things, and the characters' personalities. I'm definitely going to continue reading.
veronica.toon.7 chapter 4 . 10/4/2015
So now I see we're going the path similar to the first Kingdom Hearts game. That's cool, I wonder how it will go with Vanitas now added to the storyline. Great chapter you've got here, though to be honest, I don't really like Cid much in the series, plus he smokes so, ugh.
Keep up the good work!
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