Reviews for The ins and outs of the Axis
Starco4everr chapter 53 . 10/10/2019
When will you update new shots. It's been long without publishing
ed chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
yup!idiots in love,here we go again!
Guest chapter 51 . 4/30/2018
Please write more. I usually don’t review but seeing that you stopped because you didn’t get that many. Made me kind of said and I enjoyed reading the Starco ones when I would get home from school. It made my day. So please reconsider
Alexis chapter 4 . 4/14/2018

: :
: :

Alexis chapter 3 . 4/14/2018
uh-oh : /
Another Person chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Darn! They should've been caught kissing by Mr. And/Or Mrs. Diaz!
imhere4svtfoe chapter 39 . 12/11/2017
This was surprisingly entertaining, a very lustful mewberty Star that was sort of evil.

A perfect one shot
EAurelian chapter 53 . 12/5/2017
I don't really know why, but I enjoyed this one-shot a lot. I'm glad you posted it!
Proluxe chapter 51 . 9/29/2017
I personally like your oneshots. Just so you know. And many people read and don't review (cause they don't know how or are lazy). Anyways I think your oc characters are great.
Sugar chapter 52 . 9/6/2017
I love this couple!
tsubaki mei chapter 2 . 8/17/2017
There is about seven o'clock in the morning which mean it's time for Star to get her husband wake for work and wake the twin for school.
"Honey... it's time for wake up from your dream."
Star touch Marco face to wake him up. Marco grab her hand once he wake up.
"Morning Star." Marco opened his eyes slowly. He can see Star smiled at him tiredly.
"Wow Star did you sleep well yesterday? You look terrible." Marco get up from his sleepy and sit down beside Star. He grab Star shoulder, take Star hand and put it on his cheeks.
"I'm okay." She smiled. "I have to wake the kids for school." Marco look at Star weirdly.
"Why?" Star asked.
"Today is weekend. I thought you wake me up for breakfast." said Marco worry.
"Oh no. what's wrong with me." Star touching her forehead. Marco put his head on Star forehead too.
"I don't think you have a fever." suddenly Marco feel ill. He feel's like vomiting. He tries to fight but it's too late. he ran into the toilet and throw all the things he ate yesterday on the sink. he thinks he know what's wrong with him and Star. After sure that everything's fine, he take something in the drawer and put it on Star hand.
"Pregnancy test?"
"Yup. Go and get a check." Marco grab Star hands and walk her into the toilet.
"Hurry up. I want to see the result."
After a few minutes, Marco hear Star was screaming in the toilet. Marco open the door and saw happy face of Star. He things he know why Star was screaming.
"I'm pregnant!" said her happily and then she hug Marco.
"I'm happy too" then Marco give Star a warm long kiss.
"Thanks." said Marco.
"For what?"
"carrying my child again."
they both smiled
kek69yolo chapter 50 . 7/12/2017
Well this was fun to read . Just little MEN talk ... well buff frog is a monster but whatever . I always like when in the story is something about the journey and here we have some teasing about getting informations just next day . I think i will read some other chapters becouse i haven't read one shots for a long time and here I have some "good stuff" XD . Ok for the end I have to say this chapter is sooo gooood and I wish you a nice day :)
Lapidot-BBRae chapter 10 . 7/11/2017
Cryptid1998 chapter 51 . 7/10/2017
I was going to say "no, don't stop e one-shots", but then I realized it's okay. You are not a bad author. Hell, at times you're even good. But you tend to be mediocre (much better than me) so that when someone reads it, they have nothing to say. The only complaint I have with the One shots is WAY too much focus on your OCs. You've written multiple chapters where they are the main characters. Honestly, write a book where they can be fleshed out (I honestlu thought Marcus was a weird fusion of BB! Marco and Sol!Marco at first) and make money off of them rather than putting them here and lowering both qualities. Maybe you could put them in a proper length fic and have it be okay
Guest chapter 25 . 7/4/2017
Who the heck are these people?
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