Reviews for It Started Over Coffee: NYC
flare101 chapter 3 . 7/9/2019
The dialogue and witty innuendos are addicting. You are an excellent and very talented writer, which I’m sure you hear a lot. Please know that it is very true. Thank you for sharing.
Take care,
kcisjohan chapter 16 . 6/3/2019
I really loved this one. It works even without reading the other coffee stories.
daughterofdestielwinchester chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
I love how Kiba is always platonically in love with Naruto in every story.
neolavender chapter 16 . 3/14/2019
So I may or may not feel summoned from the bird app *looks away guiltily*, but since I do plan on writing an overdue review for all of the stories I read, why don’t we start with NYC!

You did mention that some reviewers think that this one is very angsty, but I think it’s not as angsty as Dream (esp. the Dream!Christmas). Even I thought that Coffee!Christmas is more angsty than NYC but it’s coz I felt the weight of the fights/issues are heavier when the boys are together than when they aren’t. Nevertheless, I still feel hurt especially when Naruto saw Sasuke’s scars in the bathroom and also when they fought before Sasuke left the hotel room.

Knowing Naruto, it’s pretty obvious he wouldn’t leave Sasuke alone when he saw how in need of emotional support Sasuke was. That’s one thing that never changed about him, regardless of whether Sasuke is his boyfriend or a stranger he only met the day before yesterday, Naruto is a helper. Sadly, Sasuke wasn’t as open & self-forgiving (tho he still has problems with his insecurity) as he was in Coffee. But I was glad & shook that he had decided to move forward and reach back to Naruto even through the unorthodox way of crashing to his apartment unannounced ksksks. I think it was a bit selfish that he wouldn’t probably reach back unless he had that job offer in Chicago, tho. But I mean... I guess I kinda get it too coz some time before that, Shion was still in the picture? Idk, whenever I read the ISOC universe, I always ended up siding with one of these gay ninjas but I can’t help but to feel like the other person is not completely wrong either lol. I guess that’s just how similar your stories are to the real life. More often than not, conflicts happened because of difference in ideology/perception and not because the other party is right/wrong.

I’ve always been curious about NYC the moment Sasuke told Naruto briefly about his BDSM experience in the main fic. He quit the scene for a different reason (if I remember correctly) but I think it’s just really clever how you superimpose that storyline with Naruto’s appearance in this NYC fic so as to say that Sasuke kinda stopped because of Naruto too. The fact that this fic ended with how Coffee started is also very poetic. All those are very clever writing.

One last thing I gotta add is that even tho Sasuke is my main child in Naruto, this fic also gives me a masochistic pleasure of seeing him in pain hohoho. I know u have plenty of plotbunnies already but if a BDSM-centric one is queuing too, I’d definitely be pretty stoked OwO
Cafrye chapter 16 . 6/30/2018
LOVED IT! All these ISOC stories are amazing.
Cafrye chapter 7 . 6/29/2018
Why are my eyes leaking?
Aishirii chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
I had to come back to read this since the waiting for the new Sasuke's dream chapter will be killing me and I haven't read NYC in a long time. Gosh I forgot how charming Sasuke is in this (and in the original ISOC). Damn, I was giggling like a school girl through out their conversation and that ending "You.." "Me." "You're trouble. I can tell" wow, loved it, the chemistry is just so sexy between them. You have such a talent, it still blows my mind even though I have followed your stories for almost 7 years now. :)
Guest chapter 16 . 12/11/2017
This variation on their meeting and relationship is just as good as the others. Maybe even the best.
Wfest chapter 13 . 12/11/2017
I just love your Ino! And Kiba, too.
Ellasauras chapter 16 . 6/20/2017
This was so freaking good I'm goin to end myself
Momo chapter 16 . 6/15/2017
I decided to read the whole ISOC universe again and leave decent, much overdue, reviews. I'm starting with my absolute favourite, NY, because I freaking, absolutely, am in love with this story. I think it's perfect from start to finish! It feels very personal for me as well, I see myself in Sasuke when I was that age, and I totally have the same reactions and thoughts ahah My favourite part, thou, is when he takes the risk and shows up at Naruto's door. It's such a big thing for him, considering what type of person he is, and I'm so happy Naruto decided to give him a chance despite everything. I think they are both very courageous in a way, it's new territory for them, and such life changes can be scary ( am not talking only about the sexuality thing). The part when they r in NY is so sexy, God, the attraction is tangible and raw! Great writing! Ino and Deidara will be forever and ever best girls! I love them so so much I can't describe it ( especially Deidara reminds me of a friend I had, and it was all very nostalgic). I also liked how the point of view would change from Naruto to Sasuke at some point, seeing both perspectives was interesting and allowed us to dig deeper in the chara's thoughts and have a bigger understanding of how much impact they both had on one another. I could go on and on but I'll stop ahah Thank you again for writing such an amazing story and sharing it with us, personally it made me realised some stuff I wasn't aware I was ignoring. You r awesome as always!
FreeBird101 chapter 16 . 4/24/2017
Aww I love how this ends in a somewhat similar way as the main story "Coffe" started. No matter what lifes (lives?) they live it, they will always end up together. True love right there. The story was great! I really enjoyed it! Thx
Camaleona chapter 16 . 3/5/2017
I read this story a little quick since Naruto returns the phone, so I guess I'll leave the due review when I read it with the attention it deserves. But I remember feeling a lot lot lot of tension the moment Sasuke yelled at Naruto that he did not know how cruel he could be. I got chills. Really.
bartlettpear chapter 16 . 2/5/2017
Freaking adorable XD Besides Naruto and Sasuke, Deidara and Ino continued to b my favorite characters in this story as well. Thanks for writing!
bartlettpear chapter 7 . 2/5/2017
I love your reflections. I cried, laughed,then cried again, I didn't expect to need to cry again after laughing so that made the whole experience VN more interesting and sad. Great chapter though, I especially liked the tidbits into Sasuke's past we weren't aware of.
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