Reviews for Withdrawals
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
Dear Emmeebee:

It's odd, but I'm not hearing Ginny Weasley here. This character seems a little too much the hapless victim of fate and her own emotions, whereas Ginny, whatever faults she may have, always seemed to know that she ultimately made the choices. (Just to take an example, surely the real Ginny would sooner stick a basilisk fang in her arm than use a word like "co-dependent".) So, while I would readily believe in a secret conflict in Ginny's heart between the friend she wants to believe Tom to have been and the enemy she knows he was, I can't believe that this presentation of it, with its recurring metaphor of health and disease (to which I reply, after the manner of Chesterton, "Produce the people who want to be asthmatics as so many people want to be Death Eaters"), strikes anywhere near the real and compelling truth of the matter.
