Reviews for Honor
Fleur50 chapter 28 . 8/3
Alicia Janae Alexander chapter 28 . 7/19
I hope you have time to update this book soon
sarabo chapter 28 . 7/5
Thank you for this beautiful, but sometimes tragic story. It's great that she is overcoming all of her fears and triggers. I am going to start reading Harvest Moon again (for the 3rd. time). I love reading about the family. Take care and THANKS AGAIN AND TAKE CARE!
sarabo chapter 23 . 7/3
Such a lovely engagement! Edward's patience and mostly LOVE is healing her! All of the family dynamics is certainly drawing them closer.
sarabo chapter 22 . 7/2
I think talking to Jasper and Elliot may have been a turning point for her. Excellent chapter.
LaPumuckl chapter 28 . 7/2
Welcome home, stranger;)
You can't imagine how happy I was seeing your update and how much I hated having to wait until I could read it all again to be sure I was not forget too much about these two... Best surprise during the corona time!

I'm so happy they're at a good point in life now and am looking forward to see what comes now:)
sarabo chapter 21 . 6/29
They are getting so close! It is beautiful to read about.
sarabo chapter 20 . 6/29
Beautiful, sexy chapter! I can't believe that it was a little more than 10 years ago I heard of BDSM! Now it seems to be in everyone's vernacular. I would really HATE the punishment aspect. Nope, not for me! But, I know they may need it.
sarabo chapter 18 . 6/26
Absolutely lovely! Jamie was a wonderful man.
sarabo chapter 17 . 6/26
Sorry that my reviews are far between, but RL is knocking me for a loop!
Edward is so good to her. And making these creams are a wonderful idea. As an R.N. I needed to but a ben-gay type of salve in my mask before going in the patient's room to work on wounds or to clean up foul smelling "stuff". It really worked, but since retirement I can't stand the smell of the ointment!
Melwea chapter 28 . 6/18
Love this story and went back to re-read it before I started the last chapter. So glad you are back writing!
sarabo chapter 15 . 6/17
sasha seemed to think that Bella needed help. Maybe it would help Bella if she could get a wonderful dog like her. Edward really misses his little brother. Very sad to think about.
twi nana chapter 28 . 6/17
You write some of the best lemonade, and I am glad you are happens and you do what you have to. You take care of you and yours...I'll be right here. XOXO TN
Reinbeau chapter 28 . 6/17
sarabo chapter 13 . 6/16
Excellent chapter! The Supreme Court just ruled on discrimination of Gays in employment. Now they need to work on housing. Baby steps!
It is getting easier for Bella to handle touch. Baby steps for her too!
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