Reviews for The Project
Guest chapter 34 . 5/27
Are you ever coming back? I really loved your writing and would love to see this all wrapped up. I totally understand that it's not a high priority tho
Thanks for putting out your work!
sarahddavis357 chapter 34 . 5/24
Peeta and Katniss never got together!
knightoflives chapter 34 . 5/5
The slow burn... I've been enjoying this very much since the beginning. It's a shame that it has been close to 2 years since the last update, but I'm still grateful for what is already here.

I think what I like most about the fic is the conversations between Katniss and Peeta whenever they talk about something and follow their points with arguments. It's a fascinating look into their minds. Not a lot of fics I've seen gave voice to Peeta regarding his opinions about issues you addressed in this.

Thanks again :)
Guest chapter 34 . 3/19
I love your story and am dying to read there end. Please continue and don't give up on it. I realize its been a couple of years since the last update but you have me on the end of my seat as to what happens next. I like slow burn stories but it's torture to go 34 chapters of building and then stop right before the gods stuff happens, which what we're have all been waiting for. Totally not cool. So please finish this story.
lonelyguyfarhan1 chapter 10 . 10/8/2019
loved your ability to set settings
flash 2.0 chapter 34 . 9/28/2019
this is truly an amazing story, I feel as if you are the amazing Suzanne Collins in disguise.
please please please complete it. I have been waiting for months and it is driving me insane... please update soon
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
Absolutely incredible story!
TheOneWithAllTheDreams chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
I absolutely love this story and is even one of my favorites I have read. However, the time between updates is incredibly long. I understand that many people get busy and are unable to update as much, but the amount of chapters that have been added are very little. I actually took a break from this fic for about a year, hoping to come back to more development, perhaps even a finished story. Instead I was letdown about the fact that when I returned to reading this story, very few chapters were added and Everlark still hadn’t become a thing yet.
I truly do enjoy the build up of Katniss and Peeta’s relationship, but the build up is taking way longer than it should. 34 chapters and 310K words later, Katniss and Peeta still have the same relationship from 10 chapters before.
It’s very sad to see such an incredible story just sit and collect dust for this long. There have been very few stories that I have read and actually loved. I really hope you find time to add more chapters and finish this story.
Conan15 chapter 34 . 2/11/2019
You're story is remarkably deep and terribly difficult to put down. Thank you for writing it! As a fellow fanfic author I understand the length of time between updates and how much daily life gets in the way of writing. I commend you for having a story this long. As a reader, I'm desperate to hear where it goes next. Keep up the fantastic work!
lonelyguyfarhan1 chapter 8 . 2/8/2019
Katniss seems fine. Gale seems more OOC tbh
lonelyguyfarhan1 chapter 6 . 2/7/2019
Anyone else ship Peeta's father and Katniss' mother?
lonelyguyfarhan1 chapter 4 . 2/6/2019
Absolutely love how you've portrayed peeta to be soo understanding and compassionate. It's kind of a lesson for me too in a way.

Also love how layered and deep katniss is so far.
safayi chapter 34 . 1/22/2019
I hope in 2019 you'll find time to update this story.
Guest chapter 34 . 1/18/2019
So thankful I found this incredible story. Already read the whole thing twice. Can't wait for more.
Guest chapter 34 . 1/13/2019
Please update, this is such a good fanfic.
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