Reviews for Aftershock
TheMorriganWritesAgain chapter 6 . 11/11/2019
This was stunning. Absolutely amazing. This last chapter? With the dialogue? For almost anyone else it wouldn’t have worked, but you got their tones absolutely on point, and it went above and beyond. This entire fic is amazing. The way you capture the feelings, the current of truth that carries it, it’s amazing. The way trauma ripples out. You captured it phenomenally. Really, really well done.
jacik chapter 6 . 5/10/2019
This is amazing and lovely and I’m really glad I got to read it!
Silver Ash chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
I can't remember whether I left you a review when I first read your story, but it's been on my favorites list for a while because it is amazing. It was a fantastic idea for the story and I love the multiple points of view. But what I really wanted to tell you is that every time I watch this episode (and I just did), I immediately want to read your story. Great job!
Heather Snow chapter 6 . 11/1/2017
This is wonderful. The individual reflections on Joshua are good, but this final chapter is gold.
Bearmauls chapter 6 . 9/2/2017
This was fantastic and beautiful and perfect and made me cry like crazy.
izzybizzy333 chapter 5 . 8/22/2017
I'm not crying from beautifully written prose... you are! Well, okay, i definitely am. This was all the bits in between that I wanted and needed.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/27/2017
this is amazing
Mainstay chapter 6 . 4/5/2017
Absolutely phenomenal. You've managed to really nail the dialogue of each character - it reads like the show sounds.
2028 chapter 6 . 2/20/2017
I really liked the whole story especially the last chapter. I thought you dug into the emotions of the characters well, while staying in character, but also giving them a realistic reaction to the traumas. I especially liked Donna.
mistopher chapter 6 . 1/9/2017
It was because they all knew, Toby realized. In that moment, all of them knew Donna's heart, and none of them could bear the weight of it."

That's my favorite line! good job loved this!
Bianca chapter 6 . 8/20/2016
I cried-oh, I think I cried through every chapter and all throughout the epilogue. You write so beautifully, and I hope you never stop pouring out your words into the world and making it/us feel a little more deeply for even just a little while.

Also, I'm reading this in August, but I felt real Christmas cheer just now. Thank you for that.
GalInTheMoon chapter 6 . 7/28/2016
Perfect, absolutely perfect, every word. Thank you for writing this and for sharing it.
shesnotalone chapter 6 . 7/26/2016
Oh my god I'm crying so hard, this was so beautifully written and explored the thoughts of the characters to perfection. I, like you, suffer from trauma. I have the occasional episode, not very often or intense anymore though. But this story is just as moving as the amazing 'Noel' episode Sorkin wrote perfectly. I loved your chapters and read the whole story in forty-five minutes instead of getting ready for work, haha. Leo finally seeing Noah in Josh and Sam's ever-present guilt and Toby's knowledge finally failing him and CJ wishful hopes that he will just /get better/ but it doesn't happen that way. I feel like Sorkin kinda dropped the ball on explaining how Donna knew because it /isn't just a crush./ oh Lordy, you my dear should never stop writing.
What's next?
Sansoki chapter 6 . 5/11/2016
I had this thing favourited by Part II, although I probably could have done it sooner. This was beautiful and amazing and moving all wrapped up under a shiny Christmas tree. This spoke to me on every level, and is soooo well done. Bravo!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/10/2016
This is one of the best West Wing fics I've ever read. You really captured the essence of the characters. I never even realized I wanted to know more about Stanley Keyworth's interviews with the others until I read this. I especially loved your portrayal of Toby. Of all the characters in the show, I feel like he was one that I never quite understood. This gave great insight into his relationship with Josh. Very, very moving story.
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