Reviews for Love is Your Gift
EchoInTheVoid chapter 3 . 7/28/2018
hmmm very interesting
looking forward to more
Damon-girl96 chapter 3 . 11/14/2015
Love this story. Cant wait for the next chapter.
I hope you make her hate riley he was the worst guy for her.
And spike is the best thing for her. He is the only person who gets her. :) :) :)

You need to have a chapter where she finds out everything spike has done for her and her family and how he feels for her.
TFK-fan118 chapter 3 . 10/18/2015
Hm... Perhaps this a diamond in the rough. I'm honestly looking forward to the next chapter. So update soonish, yeah? Can't wait for the spuffy bits.
Ziya Hitsugaya chapter 3 . 9/20/2015
I really like this story, I kind of had the same idea in my head except Buffy doesn't come through the T.V. And it's after chosen. I never read the comics cant find where to buy them and believe me I would in a heartbeat. I'm not sure how to write it now. I hope you update soon. If I do write the story still it will be nothing like what your writing. The only part will be with Buffy learning her life is a TV show.
Revvie chapter 3 . 9/15/2015
This such an interesting concept and it reminds of the "Present Day" episodes on Xena and Hercules. Very entertaining.
DRARRYLOVR4EVERINMYHEART chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
Gowan chapter 3 . 9/9/2015
Well, this is an interesting fic. I can't wait to see where this heads.
bwburke94 chapter 3 . 9/9/2015
I can just see Buffy's reaction.