Reviews for Kitty Litter
Winter Leigh End chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
This was an interesting story.

I can't say I know anything about the stuff it's crossed over with, but I like how Luna was picked to come and calm down the Tiger because of the Quibbler and talk to him about Death Eaters and how they'd be capturing the one that killed his wife.
realismandromance chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
I didn't realise this was a crossover when I posted in the tag, so I'm going into this half genre-blind. Luna seems pretty in character to me, and I didn't see any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. "Sometimes animals are easier to understand than people." That's very true.

P.S. I looked up Kylie Chan and couldn't believe I hadn't heard of her, considering I'm Australian! Something to look up when next at the library, I think. Sorry I couldn't give a better review.