Reviews for Power Play
Zwei88 chapter 45 . 8/9
Como que acá se me rompió un poquito el corazón...
Al Sa-Her chapter 65 . 1/25/2019
I really really loved your story. I haven't read the one from quitting time but I will. I was glued to my phone reading the whole story non-stop, literally. You've made me cry, scream (in joy or frustration), laugh and even feel tension with the reading. I enjoyed your kind of writting very much and you've surprised me a few times. I was right about jade's condition and it was so exciting to confirm it. I was sad about Caroline too, she sounded so lovely but.. bad things sometimes happen. Thanks for this amazing story and I'll go check on the other ones and see what happens. Take care!
Alienzz chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Feels good to be right. I figured the alter ego thing around chapter 35, but still AWESOME!
Herondalegillies chapter 65 . 6/13/2018
Wow you are seriously amazing!
nirky chapter 65 . 4/13/2018
i can't express how satisfying it is to me as a reader and a writer that you didn't leave A SINGLE loose end. ending it with the real sally was truly cherry on top of one of the most fabulous cakes i've ever had.

i wish i had been more prone to leave long reviews of praising prose but texting is hard and i was just so captivated i couldn't stand to say much more than a few words per chapter.

please know that i have adored every single line of this, even the ones that hurt me, even the ones that creeped me out (the readers that came back after that early surprise golden shower way back in the beginning are the real MVPs).

you are an uber talented writer and i am humbled i got to have this reading experience. thank you for sharing it with the world.
nirky chapter 64 . 4/13/2018
god bless you for addressing the underage thing. it's been simmering in the back of my mind coz it's so insane that jade's only 18 ~now and yet all of this mess has already happened to her, but that was something that i needed to see addressed and you gave it to me.

this is legit one of the best fics i have ever read, straight to my top 5 of all time.
nirky chapter 63 . 4/13/2018
YAAAAAAS four bodies, not five! jade hates water! what a fantastic way to make my brain work and to have tori show off some detective skills!

what a fic, what a fic
nirky chapter 62 . 4/13/2018
being a human with feelings and a brain is hard, because you realise something is wrong ethically/morally/legally, but your feelings make you understand and try to excuse it.

i want jade to not be a murderer for her sake, but i'd understand it if she was.

(tho the fact that she hates water and is afraid of it makes me think you have something up your sleeve)
nirky chapter 61 . 4/13/2018
fire is supposed to have healing symbolism, isn't it? like it can be hell, but it can also be a do-over.

either way, i like the imagery of those 3, broken, effed up women cuddled together in the face of a literal raging inferno.

your writing on point as usual
nirky chapter 60 . 4/13/2018
i love trina to the moon and back, but also i don't believe holly and jade will both survive this chapter. goddamn you.
nirky chapter 60 . 4/13/2018
gahhhh the false president was name after elizabeth bathory, i love your brain!

also i am so proud of tori for using the compass the way she did and THEN threatening deborah. it's what she deserves!
nirky chapter 59 . 4/13/2018
i know jade is the one doing the torturing but i am somehow terrified for her
nirky chapter 58 . 4/13/2018
ay, do i want jade to go full on serial killer or am i uncomfortable about this development? we just don't know lol
nirky chapter 57 . 4/13/2018
alright, so deborah was one of the girls at the lake and trina apparently knows about it? then are the lake girls really all dead? but if jade spent the summer at the hospital, how did sally leave and come back and the girls died? did jade kill them for real? or did jade imagine them gone coz that helped her letting go of the lake?

i love to be an annoying reader with lots of questions but everything is just too good ily
nirky chapter 56 . 4/13/2018
me, suffering: so jade saw sally once and then just projected everything onto that girl she'd seen before? i wanna know more about this [cries]
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