Reviews for A Different Path
ShawnoftheLitter chapter 73 . 6/23
You cruel BASTARD NONO WAIT STOP STOP NO damn it. Author why. Why did you force upon us the image of their shipwreck again and again? ... I have high hopes that it will sail soon, but damn it Crowley you should have stayed to smack Cas and tell him what's what DAMN IT they were SO CLOSE. You're a cruel author. Great, but cruel. Brilliant too, but the cruelest. Damn it they were so close.
ShawnoftheLitter chapter 43 . 6/22
When Cas doesn't see the immediate loophole that Crowley could literally use at any point in time. Well then. I mean, to be fair, even if he DID add in a subclause that said if the winchesters specifically were in a life or death situation, which he didn't, the fact that their every hunt is technically a life or death situation would be a loophole. That's two loopholes in one. Like wow. ... Or maybe I'm just too used to finding loopholes x.x oh dearie how I've fallen
Yessi chapter 128 . 6/11
I love, super love this story, but I have a question ... will it continue?
Black Fungus chapter 8 . 5/31/2019
I really like this story. I liked he got burnt up to ash. sadness.
Black Fungus chapter 6 . 5/31/2019
oh no , now Dean has a hate on for his dad. ugh. I like how Cass can skip all the mistrust and telling Sam he is the boy with the demon blood. I never took that as a bad thing, like Cass looked down on Sam.
Black Fungus chapter 3 . 5/31/2019
Black Fungus chapter 2 . 5/31/2019
Cass is a growler . :)
Black Fungus chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
I love Cass and Crowley and time travel! And your first paragraph had me going " no way!, damn" it was a lot. Thank you.
wickedlfairy17 chapter 128 . 5/20/2019
Crying, T.T I love Cas in this! So perfect!
Guest chapter 128 . 3/16/2018
Is it wrong that I'm wondering who is top and who is bottom? Destiel is one of those couples that you just can't tell. It depends on the author.
Anime91 chapter 128 . 2/13/2018
I love this story! Everything about it seems so real, I love the way you wrote this one of your bests...Thank you. Please update soon can't wait for more.
RedQueenOfMine chapter 128 . 1/13/2018
Great story, very very long. It's amazing! I like how you describe things.
Helen Tesla chapter 128 . 12/3/2017
Oh, poor Dean. Sam being the teasing little brother is always great. Love how John doesn't even bat an eyelid at his son and his angel boyfriend. I'm curious to see how this conversation between Castiel and John will go.
Great chapter as always.
Nickylove chapter 58 . 11/21/2017
Thank you. You made my night. Thank you for writing. Please do more.
Honyasbookshelf2017 chapter 127 . 11/15/2017
A Different Path is a really interesting Supernatural fanfic that starts with an AU ending for Season 10 but quickly jumps back to be an AU from the beginning of Season 2 and on. We get a picture of events occurring with Cas and Crowley in the picture, Cas with his own experiential knowledge of certain events as well as the Winchesters’ stories to go from, Crowley with a much greater knowledge of events (having read the books)–not that he’s volunteering information readily. For added interest/complication, Cas refuses to tell the boys that he’s from their future, and he tries his best to keep Crowley a secret. You can imagine how well that works, with the king of snark hanging around! I really have enjoyed what the author has done with this story and the way the AU element unfolded. The characters are captured well, and I love the way the altered events and relationships play into the way their characters develop. Likewise, the adaptations to the episodes’ plots are both fitting and interesting, showing a good understanding of the characters and the storyline while still being original. This fanfic is very much a slow-burn Destiel fic, and I enjoyed the way the author developed that; it seems to fit their characters and situation so much better than a lot of the Destiel stuff I’ve seen. But for those who aren’t big into slash, it’s all pretty mild and there’s a lot of other aspects of this story besides that (although it’s still a pretty significant focus in this fic). I will note that there are some typographical/grammatical issues (mostly wrong words, lacking capitalization, and occasionally lacking punctuation) which can make this story more complicated to read, but they’re mostly the sort of thing a good editor could quickly correct, and the underlying writing style and flow is still quite readable and enjoyable. Enough so that I intend to stick with this story for as long as the author continues to write it–which could be a while, considering that we’re still in Season 2 at 127 chapters with no specified ending point so far. I’m looking forward to where this story goes!
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