Reviews for As Time Goes By
ginabowman2005 chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
I wish you would come and work on this story some more. It's quite a good start.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
Making her still in school when he says those four words just doesn't work. They had to have been graduated otherwise Lissa and Eddie wouldn't have been able to go with her on the mission to free Victor, they also wouldn't have had access to the information about the prison. It always sucks when writers make stupid changes to the original plot without considering the consequences. That aside this story has a lot of potential.
B4bidden chapter 5 . 8/31/2018
really wish there was more, i dont know if i really want Rose and Dem to get back 2gether. i really like the guy who said he was her husband, i wish Ro would get over Dem and realize her Guardian friend has always been there for her and start 2 fall for her
DhampirLover chapter 5 . 8/22/2018
Yup, that sounds like Tasha alright.
russia2774 chapter 5 . 7/5/2018
tasha you are barnbat shit crazy oh well more updates please love it
jessica.dangerfield.9 chapter 5 . 4/25/2018
Love it :) xx Thank you for this amazing chapter!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/22/2017
Update update update please...
russia2774 chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
More updates pleeeeeeeeaaaaassse love it
swimmer07 chapter 5 . 5/16/2017
Very interesting!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/1/2017
Your writing is good and your storyline is interesting but you are too pissy with your author's notes. You don't have to respond to every review and getting pissy and defensive when someone says they don't like something about your story makes you look insecure. Drop the length author's notes and needless recaps, I mean how often do you read a book that starts with a recap on every page/chapter, and just write. Unless of course you are using them to boost your word count and puff your ego at how much you have written. As interested as I am in the story it is fading fast having to wade through the extra crap.
jpitt chapter 5 . 5/2/2017
Nice chapter, usually at one year without update I give up on it, happy to see this!
stardreamer2608 chapter 5 . 5/1/2017
Wow dramatic. For what Dimitri had said was a little bit of a rude encounter. I don't think rose is married. Loved the chapter please continue to update can't wait for more.
Katherine Drozov chapter 4 . 4/7/2016
Tomb Raider956 chapter 4 . 2/6/2016
Update soon please!
russia2774 chapter 4 . 1/26/2016
More updates please
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