Reviews for Two Ones
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28
Wow... I didn't even register the use of genderfluid pronouns until the December section. Just seemed natural. I even saw the genderfluid bit in the description and still missed it.

Hooray for Happy Max!
Wongjunkit chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
nevermind forget my earlier review. my mistake
Wongjunkit chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
Is English your first language? Your 'she's are 'ze's and your 'her's are 'hir's...
darquan0 chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
Genderfluid Max had me really confused.
But... I genuinely love the idea of having alt!Chloe memories brought to main timeline.
That Chloe is much more reasonable than main!Chloe.
"Cool story!"
calmafterthestormlis chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
Hey I was wondering if you might ever do more with genderfluid Max with regular Chloe as a separate story rather than Alt!Chloe as I think it would be interesting to see the more butch Chloe and Max having a sort of bromance type thing going on.
LIFEISSTRANGER chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
damn, this was an awesome change of things! you know alot of your stories are amazing, and their cool ideas like "oh a vampire AU, fuck yeah" and their awesome, but this one i had NO IDEA that this was a concievable idea! it was one of those suprising AU's, that's like "wow i never thought of a story idea like this!" and it made it even cooler to read! and i actually learned a little bit about genderfluid pronouns, so yay for education on sexualities! lol:P this was a really good story though, and you made max and chloe so adorable! oh my word it was so cute to read about these two in this story!:) i really loved this one, it was a unique idea i had never thought about until i read this, it was really awesome! i loved it, and i can't wait for more of your stories!:)
Lyta Halifax chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Hey there!

It was not easy, but I made myself make time for this one today because of the gender identity issues you wovd through it. Given what you know a out me and mine, I of course appreciated the fuck out of this. Also chilling in a way, how old Chloe more or less got "killed off"... the unintentional dangers of time travel and what not. But I loved how you wrapped it all up w d then gave it a long, satisfying coda.

There's more to this, but I'm going to tell you in a PM.
matjojo chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
well, what to say. this was hella great, I enjoyed the characters you created and the feels you gave them. that piece in the middle with the bold text was nice too, you should make more of that. and especially this story!
grunt gunner00 chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Legit had to look up what genderfluid was before reading this, learn something new everyday! Amazing story and creative plot!
InfamousImagination chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
I really, really think you should do a full on story with this twist. Alt!Chloe is so freaking precious in her own way. Is it bitter-sweet? Yes. But I love this twist. Of course, as always, your writing is superb! Spinning the world however you want. Also, the awarness in this fic. I had no idea what genderfluid is and now I do. (I also like Max's change to her true self!) All in all, wonderful!
Candle in the Night chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
I never knew anything about genderfluidity before reading this fic- I'm glad I got the opportunity to learn more. There's so much I don't know about people.

It was actually heartbreaking thinking that Punk Chloe has effectively been destroyed. The girl that Max loved, replaced. I can't wrap my head around it. The idea was great though, disabled Chloe in the punk's body? No wonder she was feeling liberated though, after being stuck in a chair for years and years and suffering from terrible pain. It was good to see her so positive about the situation after initially taking time to adjust.

They were so sweet together as well. The feels were there, the humor and the fluff. It delivered exactly on what you said in the description.
Malgrain chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Awwh. This was a great 'little' story.'s hard to call anything you write little, since even a single chapter is amazing in size. I do not know how you do it, but you'll never see me complain. xD Anyway, this was really interesting, kinda sad towards the beginning but it got cuddly and nice. Nothing bad to say about it, it's a really sweet story. Thank you for writing it.
TM Calypso chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
This was a very good read. I'm kinda curious to know if the other Chloe just vanished or went somewhere else, perhaps stuck in the back of her mind somewhere? That'd be a hell of a case of split personality disorder, lol.

on a side is now 4 am...I couldn't stop reading it...