Reviews for Compensation
HotyShoty chapter 24 . 8/6
I don't know how to say this but I love this story, after I complete a show and believe it's ending wasn't exactly what I wanted or felt right I would look to fanfics to find the answer and end my lust for a proper conclusion. While we were about to reach that inner conclusion for me it ended the fanfic ended and I don't know if I'll be able to survive without it as I have fooled myself into believing this is the canon route/ending of the show. Seen as updates take what appears to be 3 or so months if we are lucky I don't know if my love for this fanfic will allow me to accept another fanfic...
Let me rephrase, I love this fanfic it has grounds to stand as a proper conclusion to the show. This is a genuinely well done fanfic that at times fooled me into believing that this was chuunibyo with the amazing and well done writing the one thing that stood out about your writing to me was the use of Chuunibyo as the timeskips it helped me become immersed in the fanfic not to mention the southern notes at the end it made the connection to you feel real . This fanfic is genuinely amazing and one of the few fanfics out there who can draw a true conclusion to mine and others obsessive behavior to Chuunibyo. Going forwards I hope for plenty and bountiful updates for this fanfic and most of all I wish all the best to the author.
Sorry for bad grammar and punctuation the first half of this is just me pouring my feeling out and the second half a "proper" review.
martins.andrew.j chapter 23 . 5/3/2019
Found this after reading Lux’s lemonfic, and their recommendation to check you out. Ended up marathoning all current 23 chapters until 3am because I couldn’t put it down. You capture the characters so well, and despite what you might say, I think the “mood whiplash” suits the chuunibyou setting. I hope the story continues eventually, I eagerly look forward to updates. Thank you for your excellent work and love of these characters.
Luxray In Fanfictionland chapter 23 . 12/25/2018
"They have sex. A lot." What a great explanation :D
Cool to see a new update from you! Flight of the Valkyries is definitely a Dekomori ringtone.
Happy Christmas!
Emp5wr chapter 23 . 12/24/2018
Dammit, I forgot most of the details of this story. Guess I'll need to read it over.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/30/2018
Kyaaaaaa~ Squeeeeelllll~ And more fan-girly shriekkkkssss~!
Topaz Smith chapter 22 . 7/20/2018
Oh man oh man, to be fully honest I started reading this after bursting through both seasons of the anime just discovering it on tuesday.

Having read all of the other Dekotani fics I personally have settled on this one as the best.

I am incredibly hyped to see this continue but please, dont be like me and burn yourself out because of readers. I'd rather you take your time and enjoy the story than force yourself to do anything.
Luxray In Fanfictionland chapter 22 . 5/17/2018
Enjoyed the latest chapter thank you :)
SkeletonKnight chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
I like this! Gonna keep reading
DRON261095 chapter 21 . 10/28/2017
And it was fun reading it. Relax, I am one to love long stories but I believe that rushing chapter after chapter is not always the best way to go. You have to feel it, and be comfortable enough to call it a chapter for publishing.
Just like the other readers, I would love for you to take less time in updating the story but that's how it is.

'till the next time.
DRON261095 chapter 20 . 10/19/2017
GODDAMMIT! It took you long enough for it to end so sooon! :(

Please update soon! I want more!
Luxray In Fanfictionland chapter 19 . 7/30/2017
Fun new chapter. I was expecting Touka to chew Yuuta's ear off about what he did with Rikka in the future. Clearly she's not expecting anything new to happen between them any time soon!

I think the difference between writing physical and emotional intimacy is pretty tough. Especially if you're like me and writing anything even remotely physical just makes you cover your face in secondhand embarrassment. It makes sense for Shinka and Sanae to be at that stage already considering how direct the characters are compared to the other couple. That said, I don't think there was anything extreme in this chapter, you did a good job of describing their relationship.
Oracle-sama chapter 18 . 7/14/2017
This was nice, a little tension, and some cute fluff for Sanae and Shinka. Also, what was in that hotpot?
Oracle-sama chapter 17 . 7/12/2017
This story us so great, I love how Rikka and Yuuta still get their moments in this fic, and Dekomori and Nibutani are so cute together. Also, I knew their kiss scene reminded me of ToraDora! All in all great story, I'm glad I read it and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/4/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter!
nanofate assault chapter 17 . 6/22/2017
muy buen cap , espero que lleguen a tener tiempo libre para una cita
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