Reviews for Survivor and Seeker
Guest chapter 27 . 8/1
Oof, took me almost two months before getting around to properly reading through this chapter (I’m spammed with updates from other countless stories I’m following. Oh woe is me).
I commend your ability to write fighting scenes, seriously. It draws up a good image in my head and I get what’s going on without it feeling like you’re trying too hard. It flows naturally and I get so immersed, and not just fighting scenes, but the whole story at large! Well, that’s my opinion. Oh! And I feel that you’re properly depicting each character and everyone’s personalities. The showing of Mina’s transition from her human-influenced thought processes and values more to how it was as a non-human/Dioscuri were also smooth I think.

Haha, my reviews regardless of story normally (if I even write one) culminate to ”I like it!” without going into the why’s and giving proper criticism (although I can never come up with any ”you could have done this better” since I’m a brain dead study-drone). This time I felt that I should try a bit though when I saw that you’d only gotten three reviews over two months’ time :p

I am excitedly awaiting the next chapter, whenever it comes out. XOXO
Crosswald chapter 6 . 7/9
Is her name related to Castor and Pollux ? If yes, then there's hiden brother somewhere...
hornsandcrowns chapter 27 . 6/25
i just binge read this whole story in like two nights and""""" you made me cry? multiple times, maybe i'm just sensitive but i just- i absolutely adore the way you write everyone! your oc's as well! kouen is my favourite character in the history of favourite characters and ive seen a lot of people write his character in a way that completely erases all the traits i love so much about him, but in this story? amazing, brilliant, breathtaking. i was also 100% confused when mina said zara's name for the first time, since it's my name as well and i was just so immersed"" i deadass went 'me?' out loud lmao
asclepia chapter 27 . 6/6
aahhhh looking forward to the coming chapters. i wonder what a conversation between kouen and mina would look like now that she has all that extra knowledge in her head to find ways to annoy him
Razhenshia chapter 26 . 6/5
Wehoo~! An update! Honestly, the coincidence is unreal. I randomly thought of this story last night after I-don’t-know-how-many months and then when I woke up in the morning I see it was updated (ν)
I miss Ja’far and the way we sometimes see his subtle romantic interest in Mina 3
Candy284 chapter 25 . 2/12
I just found this fic and I really love it. I haven't seen much good magi fics and this one is really amazing.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
Guest chapter 25 . 12/10/2019
I can’t wait for more!
mute-by-choice chapter 25 . 11/30/2019
So its been almost a full month since you updated and I'm only getting to this now...better late than never? In my defense, I'm from California and everything was on fire.

Anyway! Awesome chapter! I'm really curious about how she's going to explain her picture being plastered all over her Grandpa's fridge to her friends. It would be nice to see her open up a bit more, let more people into her world than her twin. I get that as a different species their relationship is supposed to be normal, and that they both definitely have some trauma to work through, but my humanness is saying this level of codependency is a bit much. Salos needs to back off and let her grow at her own pace, so seeing Adar was nice, although not a permanent solution.
Mccrystal chapter 25 . 11/30/2019
You’re amazing at what you do and reading the stories people have made on this website have helped me through some hard times at night so thank you. Thank you for this story and thank you for being an awesome writer! And whatever that other person said was unnecessary and I hope they realize that. Again, thank you ️
xliliths chapter 25 . 11/21/2019
I'm sorry someone would leave such a rotten, rude review on such a wonderful story as if that person is some kind of expert on writing and characters themselves (which they are not), so they need to check themselves first before deciding to leave a nasty review. Ughhh some people just think they know everything and get so arrogant, like I until I see you selling best-seller novels than don't tell me anything. It wasn't even any valid criticism. So fuck that person! Write what you want and how you want, it's not like your are being paid for sharing your work with us, so that person should go drink a tall glass of STFU.

This is honestly one of my favorite Magi fics, because the characters are so well written and likable, esp Mina and Salos-they fit right into the diverse cast of magi so well, I just imagine reading a manga chapter with them in it. The way they fit in the world so well as their chemistry with the characters is just A It's a shame this story isn't as popular as it should be, it's a helluva let better than some popular ones, imo. You are such a gifted writer.

Haven't had time to really read the chapter in full yet, briefly skimmed it through but ayyyyyyyyy ZARA'S BACK! I'M HAPPY! I can't wait for the other alma torran characters to show up, you're following the manga events right? It's bound to be amazing!

I look forward to the next chapter!
littleclipp chapter 25 . 11/13/2019
Just recently discovered this story and read it in like 4hrs. I just could not put it down since you actually took the time to weave your own ideas into Magi. I really appreciate that because so few people take the time to do that and just rewrite everything that happens in the manga/anime with their characters serving no purpose. They have no originality at all. You did though. Yes you took the story and wrote things as they happened. But you put your own unique characters into this story and added their perspectives to the events. Almost like you took the idea of Magi's world and just added to it with your imagination to make the story that much more enjoyable and special. I thank you oh so much for that. Finding stories to binge read like this are too few and far between. I will be eagerly waiting to see the next update and the effects of that this training will have on Mina!
Crosswald chapter 25 . 11/11/2019
Oh crap I nee to read that fiction again.

I absolutely can't understand what's going on here.
PinkSpace chapter 6 . 5/5/2019
Too read that your skipped THREE YEARS into the future was the most disappointing thing I've read all day. You literally just completely skipped years of character development and it's very jarring to suddenly be thrown into this, it also comes off as lazy on your part.
sierra.stanley.52 chapter 23 . 11/14/2018
okay, I just love Mina x Ja'far! They are just so cute together! XD At first I thought she was going to get with Sinbad but I just love Ja'far more! XD so happy!
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