Reviews for A long needed holiday
Kitty in the Box chapter 20 . 6/27
oh my heart! what an extraordinary love story you've written. I'm beyond satisfied. not only you intricately woven this wonderful happiness for them but you also addressed what needed to be overcome in the most soothing and honest manner. Brilliant! just absolutely brilliant!
AlexisRose84 chapter 20 . 9/29/2019
I just found this story several years after you wrote it. It was so well done! I do wish they had explored her healing much better on the show. Thank you for fixing that cannon. Such a wonderful story!
Lady L Shardlake chapter 20 . 11/21/2018
This is a simply wonderful story. Thank you so very much
Lady L Shardlake chapter 15 . 11/21/2018
So much anguish and you write with so much empathy. It was beautifully done. Bates is amazing
Lady L Shardlake chapter 7 . 11/20/2018
Very well doneyou write the anguish felt by Anna and John so well. I felt they glossed over it a bit in the show. Full marks
Guest chapter 20 . 4/26/2016
What a wonderfull story! I love it! Great writing, very well done
Caringheart chapter 20 . 1/16/2016
Just read this whole story today. I love Mr. Mason's advice to John about how to get past the guilt and help Anna heal! This was a great story that I can apply to my own life. Very nicely done!
silly-beggar chapter 20 . 10/28/2015
I've just re-read this once more and it's just so good! The consequences of 4x03 on Anna and John and their healing wasn't nearly touched upon enough in canon, so thank you for exploring it in the way it needed.
Bill is such a loveable man and so very wise, just what John needed. I think his being so perceptive ("any cherry cravings?") was what the Bateses needed too- someone who could guide them with his heart and experience without prying. Thank you for writing this!
JamesLuver chapter 20 . 8/27/2015
Baby Bates was the perfect ending. Mr. Mason really is right, and it was wonderful to see that reflected in the planning of their future.
JamesLuver chapter 19 . 8/26/2015
Such a satisfying chapter. The hotel sounds perfect, and I loved the exchanging of gifts at the end. All of them were wonderful, and I liked that they remembered to get something for Daisy and Mr. Mason as well. John's gift of the ring was particularly romantic, and I simply adored his new 'proposal'. What a lovely, lovely way to celebrate their new partnership!
JamesLuver chapter 18 . 8/26/2015
It's so wonderful to see Anna and John's future coming together. I particularly liked the sentiment of Anna feeling like she had been dipped like the sheep, and how the thing that she really hadn't wanted this holiday - to think about everything that she'd been through - was really exactly the thing they both needed to move forward.
paige.ronald chapter 20 . 8/26/2015
Okay. Let me begin by saying that this is quite possibly the best Banna fanfic I have ever read. As a fellow sufferer of PTSD, I thought you did a fantastic job of portraying the suffering that both Anna and John would have felt in the aftermath of the attack. This fanfic was what I needed to happen in season 5. All in all, I think this is amazing work.
theglamourfades chapter 20 . 8/25/2015
I marathoned the remaining chapters and wanted to say a big thank you for writing this. This is the kind of story that the characters are owed. Some chapters were hard to read, yes, but very necessary, and others set them off with some very beautiful and natural moments with some true healing. I wish Bill Mason could speak those words about having to go through everything and not around in the series itself. It must have been difficult to write, but your own experience has given great depth to this and you have done Anna (especially Anna's) and John's struggles justice, just as much as their love shines through.

A fantastic job, if only S5 could have touched upon this, the show would have been a lot more credible.
JamesLuver chapter 17 . 8/25/2015
John has always been so supportive of Anna, and it felt right to me that he would be open with her under these circumstances. I liked seeing the way that John opened up about the war and the limp corrector to show Anna that these things don't go away, but they can be lived with. I think it was very important for them both to get to this mind set so that they can properly move forward, and it was wonderful to see John being so supportive.
JamesLuver chapter 16 . 8/25/2015
It was great again to see Mr. Mason offering the outsider's view and helping John to see how he can help Anna move forward from here. Once more, this chapter was very painful to read, but I'm hopeful that now that John finally understands, things can start to improve for them both more rapidly from here.
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