Reviews for Stargazers
Blue Raspberry Ametrine chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Nice job! I agree, it would make sense that RGB enjoys stargazing. I certainly enjoyed the ending; it really showed RGB's softer side, and using his 'Just this once' catchphrase added to the characterization. Everyone seems to be in character, even Assok, and you got its 'dialogue' correct.

Since this seems to be from RBG's perspective, it does not make sense how we could see that Hero and Assok are watching anime. He would be gone by then, unless in your headcanon, he 'fades out' more gradually. However, it is just a minor detail, and everything else is spot on.
AnotherGenericNerd chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
wasn't expecting to find a TPoH archive for some reason and I'm VERY pleased
Rosa chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
oh no too cuuuteeee