Reviews for Official Pandemonium
Diving in chapter 10 . 4/14
I absolutely love your story! Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee! Updaaaaaaaaatttteeeeee!
anime-addict-fan chapter 10 . 3/12/2019
I freaking love this! Please make a comeback with an update. I have waited for a year and I don't mind waiting a second if you put even a short chapter of what is next ;)
blacklashesxoxo chapter 10 . 2/13/2019
Great story! The writing style is amazing. Keep up the good work!
WildKat25ShadowWolf13 chapter 10 . 8/7/2018
I really enjoyed reading the story thus far and I hope to see that you consider continuing to update till the end!
seshysgodestris chapter 10 . 4/4/2018
Walls are dangerous to the distracted. But a huge comical relief to those of us reading about it. poor yasu. XD
D chapter 10 . 3/4/2018
Gosh don't let it hang in this cliff hanger for long, I can't take it! is just to good... Please update!
ezethinking chapter 10 . 1/6/2018
This is really good. Update soon.
FlipperGirl2468 chapter 10 . 12/30/2017
OMG... I've like speed read all of the chapters and am constantly checking back each day to see if you've posted the next chapter... the story like is awesome which means at the end I'm constantly wanting more... oh-ow... I think... I'm addicted... ... anyway great job on this fan fic now I just have to wait for chapter 11
Guest chapter 10 . 12/18/2017
Want more! Need more!
Fanficluver4life chapter 10 . 12/13/2017
lately I haven’t been reading on fanfic and i also have stuff going on oooo •.•* and well this really genuinely made me happy,maybe one the happiest I’ve been in some time, I’m so glad to hear you are back,I really can’t wait for more!
okaysunshine chapter 10 . 12/13/2017
Wooooooow I missed you. Please never leave. I'll be back with an actual review later BC I'm supposed to be working rn now but YES THIS IS THE GOOD WORK I WANT MORE ALREADY
I'm gonna have to read through the whoooole thing again. a million hugs and high fives! Welcome back friend.
Cabbit and the Weasel chapter 7 . 10/22/2017
It appears oliver is jealous...pfffft oh man that last scene killed me.
MikazukiNika chapter 9 . 4/5/2017

This is epic. I LOVE this style of writing. It gives you so much to work with and understand about the characters. However, I have to admit that it makes it a little hard to understand what is actually happening outside all of that. I believe it would read a lot easier if you were just a tad bit more descriptive about the situations. This is my humble opinion, as a reader, and I hope it doesn't come off as harsh criticism. I really do love this story, after all. AUs are always awesome, especially if they're SLIGHT, so that the characters still retain their psychic powers. This story is particularly interesting because it seems like it takes place in a parallel universe to the anime. XD The people are all the same, the relationships are all the same, they're just doing different things. I ADORE it.

I love the snarky comments. Mai gets wittier and wittier every chapter, and Naru just seems to enjoy teasing her. Lin is all of us, really, since he's discreetly encouraging Naru to lose control. The part about the fiance and the ring is hilarious, especially since Mai keeps it going for a long time and then it all comes crashing down.

Boyyy do I love drama.

I'm not entirely sure why Naru was at the apartment. My ongoing theory is that Masako called him after that fight with Yasu. Mai's shock mirrors my own, tbh, because I wasn't expecting Masako and Naru to be more than childhood friends. It's really interesting.

Overall, I'm enjoying myself reading. I hope that you'll update soon! It's really fun reading, and I'm excited to see more of the little battling between Naru and Mai and the trip to Japan.

Good luck!

~Crescent T.
soulsborne123 chapter 9 . 2/26/2017
I just reread this again and I don't know how I could have forgotten to add this to my favorites! I hope you update this sometime!
Diving in chapter 3 . 11/17/2016
Go Mai! ! !
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