Reviews for Masochistic Love
acetwolf94 chapter 6 . 6/14/2019
Faery66 chapter 6 . 1/18/2017
Hope to read more soon.

Szarotka chapter 6 . 10/14/2016
Fantastic! ;)
I want more!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/11/2016
Plz update soon
Danneyland chapter 6 . 5/11/2016
Maybe not right away since I don't know exactly what currently-unwritten scenes you have planned, but at some point it would be great if you could sort through each chapter to put them into chronological order. It'd make following the story a bit easier.

Also ... you only briefly mentioned this magic-restricting band in the first chapter, when you outlined when Harry got it taken off (which happened this chapter). I think you could expand on it more; put in a scene from the beginning of this whole thing where Harry wakes up alone, cold, and hungry with the most massive headache (or something; I can't quite remember how you had Harry be captured in this story but the general gist authors do on this site is that Harry is hit with a Stupefy or something and then apparated/portkeyed away to the dungeons, so that's the premise I'm using here). Then, he realizes that not only does he not have his wand (which, really, upon consideration should be obvious when you're a prisoner in enemy territory), but he cannot access his magic and there's this heavy but slim metal band that is tight around his ankle and it chafes a bit and he'll probably get blisters and it just feels so **restricting**...!
I imagine he'd panic first, basically. Maybe ponder about how the outside world will continue without him, and what the Order would think. And then he'd get distracted by either his wounds (because I don't think at that point Harry would have been taken without some sort of fight ... unless a house elf "popped" up behind him and "popped" him away before he could react - someone did that in a fic I read recently) or by incoming guards/Voldemort.

Just some food for thought ... sorry for the wall of text. (_;) \(/)\
(And if those emoticons didn't work just ignore them. Ffnet wrongly deletes characters sometimes.)
Firediva0 chapter 6 . 5/5/2016
This was great as always! I loved it tons! Good job, Twinkminded-chan!
musme chapter 6 . 5/5/2016
I love it
randomplotbunny chapter 6 . 5/5/2016
Spectacular chapter!

Are you still taking requests for this? If you are then I'd love seeing the Dursleys get rounded up and presented to Harry as a birthday/Yule/anniversary/? present. Or maybe as a scene from before the first chapter, perhaps a test to show his loyalty. I'm sure that neither Voldemort or his Death Eaters would approve of the Muggle filth and the way they speak and act towards Harry- Harry may have been their enemy for many years but that doesn't mean that Muggles could be allowed to harm him, a Wizard- and I'm sure Harry would have many volunteers to torture/help torture them to death. Bella in particular would probably use it as a teaching experience. :-)
Miss A.S.M chapter 5 . 1/27/2016
Wonderful! :) Hmm... What's next?
Guest chapter 5 . 1/15/2016
I love this please update soon
d011 chapter 5 . 12/24/2015
Absolutely love your story! You wrote the relationship wonderfully while making Harry and Voldemort equals; that was awesome to read! As for suggestions, I'd like to see maybe Lucius and Severus's points of view, and Bella and Harry's trip too. Thank you for writing such a wonderfully done HPLV fic!
musme chapter 5 . 11/12/2015
I love it!
I think it is a perfect point of view for a relationship between harry and voldemort
GuestReader chapter 5 . 10/31/2015
I really liked Bellas POV. Looking forward to read more about her and how her attitude towards Harry will change
ArchangelAmvs chapter 5 . 10/26/2015
Love this story and cant wait for more!
Anaelyssa chapter 5 . 10/23/2015

Interesting chapter about the people around Harry.
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