Reviews for Fax it Straight to his Heart
guest chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
cute. the dynamics are fascinating and every other sentence you had something to laugh.
P.T. Tucker chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
I'm not really a big fan of AUs normally but this was really cute and funny. I love how even as an AU you have little canon-ish things in here, such as Cloud totally being willing to throw-down with Sephiroth, lol. And I just love how cute the tweets were that Cloud did, as well as the letters being sent around. Poor Lazard coming back looking like Genesis' dreaded raccoon. Zack was kind to say he looked like a masked superhero. XD
damagectrl.07 chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
I really enjoyed this story. You are a master of FFVII AUs.

Thank you for writing this!
Estenyn the Brave-ish chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
I made a noise like a screaming dolphin during Chem class because of this story. Two thumbs up!
Shadowblayze chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
The puns...the puns...

How do you come up with this stuff?! It's all so awesome!
Master of the Hellish Yard chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Dear Tobirion:

Your puns killed me. I don't know if I'll ever look at electrical words the same again. They are flawless, though, and extraordinarily beautiful.

I really enjoyed the perspective jumps-your non-linear continuity and the overlaps it allowed for gave the story a very interesting portrayal, especially as we were able to see the different sides and perspectives with different events colouring them. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
This was really well-written and a fun read! Would like a sequel but this was a great one shot. Thank you for this!
kzam chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
Man, I'm having so much fun re-reading this and Underwear and just AHH, I really love Cloud's birthday week and everything you're doing for it. They're such great stories, I'm glad you're finally able to share some of them!

I was holding off on reviewing this still because I don't even know what to say, it's just too fun to really describe? Between the format, the tweets, the love letters, the raccoon - the actual circumstances, Zack saving Cloud from Heidegger, Seph going on a rampage. Just all around, it was fun and eventful from start to finish! Your timing was great with the bits of humor, the way you mixed it up at different points, the way you divulged more and more as the POVs changed - it came together beautifully.

It's crazy to think it's like...a day at the office haha, and so much was happening. I feel like only you could pull that off and make it this eventful and interesting. And I love how just...relaxed it was by the end. They're all clearly crushing on Cloud, but it's not this big deal. And Zack's just like, yeah maybe come hang out? You always do it, you make these situations into something that's just really interesting yet somehow not a dramatic, overblown situation - they're so casual about it, and easy going. I don't know how you do it, but it's great every time. And your AU's are top notch, as always - you create such believable dynamics even under these drastically different circumstances. It's seriously impressive!
Ocena Strex chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
That was super adorable. Hmm, I wonder whether that last tweet holds some significant meaning ;). I do have a small gripe with the way you structured this chapter though. By describing the same day from everybody's perspective seperately, you repeat a lot of events. Even though you skipped over some details if they'd already been addressed or added more details later from another person's point of view, it still felt a bit repetitive.
Wufei W chapter 1 . 8/12/2015
So freakin cute!
w- easy enough chapter 1 . 8/12/2015
Yay! This was really cute.
Azure Lovely Tama chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
Once again you've conjured up an awesome and adorable story. IT WAS HILARIOUS TOO WITH THE TWEETS. I loved the electric company theme, cant wait to see what the next one will be!
Till next time and happy writing~
x-YaoiWolf-x chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
Holy Yes! This was super adorable and just Awww! I have too few words to properly tell you how much I loved this! Seriously, just wow. This thing was so cute it hurts! I absolutely love it.

And you! Thanks for this, it brightened up my very mediocre Tuesday. I'm always looking forward to whatever you write, and I'll be eagerly anticipating the rest of Cloud's B-day 2k15.

As always, so much LOVE to you, Tobi!
MelanisticLeopard chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
That was absolutely adorable. Fantastic! :D
Baylis BG chapter 1 . 8/11/2015