Reviews for The Herald's Rest--Or Lack of It
MWolfe13 chapter 51 . 2/6/2017
I knew it!
Marika Haliwell chapter 71 . 5/24/2016
And I thank you for this wonderful story too :)
Inugyrl chapter 71 . 5/24/2016
Fantastic, loved it
Marika Haliwell chapter 67 . 4/20/2016
I'm glad that you said ... for now lol. I am attached to your characters
Marika Haliwell chapter 64 . 3/24/2016
I like Renna's sister :-) so oblivious xd . And the fact that they just met and alreafy had a sister "talk" it's heart warming
Guest chapter 57 . 2/14/2016
Great job mixing parts of the game with the story, can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 40 . 12/20/2015
I just read 40 chapters in 3 hours and it was TOTALLY worth it. Honestly if this was actually in the game it would make the Cullen/Trevelyan romance that much stronger. I love it and I eagerly await the next chapter.
Marika Haliwell chapter 40 . 12/18/2015
LOL .. Go Renna ! I finally have the time to say more three words, since I have read this story on my phone. So:1. I love Renna. What amazes with us ffic writers is that with the little amount of characters we always come with a different portrait for our HoF, Hawkes or Quizzies. In all the stories i have read not one of them was similar to another. Renna is funny and knows how to play her cards too. 2. When i have read about Alistair's sister I was like: who the hell would make Goldanna a princess? Then the name Kirrai got me wondering - how Alistair got this sister and when? 3. I have to read all of your stories, but which one comes first? Kirrai's? Ali and Cousland Queen? Pray tell? i don't like reading into a story and find out that i started from the end lol.
csorciere chapter 4 . 11/2/2015
I like this canon. It works well. Poor girl. Varric was just toying with her. She blushed so beautifully, how could he resist? Excellent character foundation, I am quite interested in seeing how our Inquisitor grows.
csorciere chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
Ah, it is so good to see our family even as scattered as they are currently. Obviously, I have a few chapters to catch up on. Although, you know that it will not take me long to get back up to speed. I look forward to the ride along.
Tracer28 chapter 12 . 9/24/2015
I like it! Your inquisitor is pretty good