Reviews for Chuck Vs Semper Fi
PGHammer chapter 14 . 7/3
Discounted rates? Absolutely legit - yes; even in Las Vegas - Nellis itself is why. (There are also "ferry flights" out of McCarron to Nellis on a daily basis; if you fly out of McCarron "at all", you will notice them.) Further, in the winter - outside of "baking season" - Las Vegas hosts many MANY conventions - remember, CES is held there. Thanksgiving weekend - which is between "baking season" and "convention season" - which starts after Christmas - is when I myself have gone. "Baking season" - summer; the hottest time of the year. "Convention season" - jacked-up room rates; thus Thanksgiving weekend is the best time to go, despite being a mere four days.
PGHammer chapter 11 . 7/3
Andrea Price and Pat O'Day (USSS and FBI, respectively) meet earlier than canon Ryanverse - but do meet. (In fact, Andrea ran Ryan's Detail - while Pat O'Day was the Inspector that caught the case where the then-President and several other government officials got roasted in the Capitol Building when a JAL pilot suicided by crashing his airliner into it. They married at the tailchase of "Executive Orders".) Andrea has a TON of "Ellie" in her; she is a major character in "Debt of Honor" - as is O'Day.
Not only was I a BIG Tom Clancy fan, I met him well before his death; he made a point of visiting libraries throughout Maryland during his rise to well-deserved superstardom. (In addition, I have both "Debt of Honor" and "Executive Orders" in my own library- in hardcover.)
PGHammer chapter 9 . 7/3
Cathy Ryan is a trained eye surgeon; at this point, she was just getting started on driving a laser around the eyeball at Wilmer Eye Center at Johns Hopkins; at this point, she was still mostly using old-fashioned surgical knives. (She was good with them as well - as are most of Wilmer's eye surgeons - if you want the best in eye surgery on the planet, Wilmer is where to go.) I wasn't referring to the Ryanverse in talking about Wilmer, either; I've been dealing with them - and their graduates - since 1967. Do the Google-fu on them.
PGHammer chapter 8 . 7/3
"Cardinal" was smuggled out with the help of the Foleys; in atypical fashion, it was Mary Pat (the wife) that was the operator; her husband was the analyst - that role-flip sound familiar?
PGHammer chapter 7 . 7/3
Someone did their homework - it's all legit. (There is nothing roadblocking a Deputy United States Marshal from deputizing members of the United States armed forces; in fact, it was done a LOT in the nineteenth century - while the Posse Comitatus Act was passed in partial response to this, it did NOT make the practice illegal thanks to that loophole. And there was a specific reason FOR said loophole - one Pancho Villa.)
PGHammer chapter 5 . 6/25
Apparently, the Fairy Godmother Department finally found Chuck - who is now on his way to OCS. (Yes; the quote is from a book by the late Robert Anson Heinlein - can any smart-alec name the book?)
PGHammer chapter 2 . 6/25
This was how Ryan wound up with a broke back - and was invalided out of the Corps (absolutely canon for Jack Ryan). Plugging Chuck in here thus does NOT invalidate Ryan canon one whit.
PGHammer chapter 19 . 2/29
This O'Brien is a Jesuit (no relation to Miles) - and ALSO a refugee from the Jack Ryan series. (After his tour was up, he would later wind up at Georgetown University - where he would get re-acquainted with Jack Ryan.) A Jesuit chaplain? Not far fetched at all; what is the motto of the Jesuits? (Please; any Jack Ryan fan should know it - "Men for Others". While Georgetown University has the LARGEST connection to the Society of Jesus; it's not the only one; there is, naturally, a connection via the Catholic University of America (also in Washington, DC) and Boston College (Ryan's alma mater).)
PGHammer chapter 2 . 2/29
That back injury is what led first to Ryan heading to the CIA (as a contract employee), then to his teaching career.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/21
Holy crap on a cracker. Nice spin and intro to the next story arc. Nicely done.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/20
You put Cardinal in there. But you have the Foleys so their main asset should be there as well. I love your writing and this Chick/Clancy crossover idea is awesome, especially how I am an avid fan of both. Great job so far, looking forward to finishing.
Guest chapter 21 . 3/30/2019
Any news as to when the sequel is due?
Amelia Wolfson chapter 21 . 11/2/2018
WTH with that twist, Dude?! You have to write your sequel, I have to see the full O/F/V arc, especially once they find out who the Human Intersect is.
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
Interesting chapter and plot and idea
MegalegU chapter 21 . 7/14/2018
WOW. For real! I loved the concept of this and it was written in a realistic way. Great job! The summary of this story alone got me hooked.
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