Reviews for Carnivhell
pinkperson chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
You write really well and this is intriguing so far. I'm curious to see where this story goes.
sudoku chapter 87 . 9/4/2016
What was that about Snow had a history with Hercules? Was it canon? Who was the "illegal" priest in Snowing wedding?
Otherwise, quite a random and funny chapter. I wonder why Emma thought it was funny to give her parents' p**n as a gift. I guess it was her desire not to have any more siblings.
Poor Henry.
maria chapter 85 . 8/22/2016
well i like more rumple without the hero hypocrite belle, she wants be one of the cool team hero of SB and nodoby give a damn for her . you kill me with the puss in both. but if Antonio banderas is belle's cat maybe need be call puss in heals !
Mir chapter 86 . 8/22/2016
Awesome chapter!

Brilliant idea Archie had with the glamour.

I love how they give themselves away.
Serpico1986 chapter 6 . 8/23/2016
Since when Dumbledore was gay? Sure, he used Harry as his pawn, but gay I don't think he was

Other then that, good story
Serpico1986 chapter 3 . 8/23/2016
Whait, Death is a she? I was picturing Samuel L Jackson. Haha! It's more like Demi Moore.

And Emma has a Daughter? I'm sorry, as I told you, I'm kind of lost
Anyway, keep going, this is great
Serpico1986 chapter 2 . 8/23/2016
Hello there again!

Savings people , hunting things? It's more like a Supernatural show thing. For what i can remember, Emma did nothing, i mean, she breaks the curse in season one, but after that... who killed Zelena for example was Regina.
I didn't watch this show anymore, so I'm a bit lost
Anyway, congrats. I'm loving this text
sudoku chapter 86 . 8/22/2016
It's alarming the number of people who have killed any family members in the group.
OK, so Rogers was Hook. I couldn't understand his words.
I guess Shayla is obviously Tink, Gwen is Snow.
I don't know anyone else though.

Get well soon.
sudoku chapter 85 . 8/8/2016
Poor Regina with the scare of might have slept with H00k. Nobody deserves that scare.
Mal made good points. What's the "evil rock candy" Mal referred to? It's sad that Mal is the most adjusted out of all of them.
At least Snow and Emma are trying although with their genes, I hardly think anything can be accomplished without anyone's help.
Is there any consequence if Henry refused to record what happened? What's the point of being only an author who can't even bring his own father back.
Didn't expect for Rumbelle's divorce but I'm surprised it didn't come to that in canon.
sudoku chapter 84 . 7/24/2016
Was the Harry Potter fanfic an exposition because Emma didn't care? Why was Hook eating beans? I thought Pan's curse was before See got turned into a rat which I thought happened in S4. Well, at least the Ariel plot is over and I almost feel sorry for Henry. Did Jmo say CS is true love in comic Con. blegh!
sudoku chapter 83 . 7/16/2016
What jewel theft? What did Emma steal? No wonder only Neal kept his apartment, not that it made any sense without paying the bills. I see Belle's point that she would take evil over stupidity. Did you make up the Enchanted Forest version of Sweeney Todd?
Was Neal trying to work a rescue by taking the piss?
DSBJellyDonuts chapter 83 . 7/16/2016
This story is the most random thing I've ever read in my life. Had me cracking up! Thanks, Mer!
Mir chapter 82 . 7/10/2016
Great twist with Ariel.

I am enjoying this story as well your another OUAT AU "This Side of Paradise" so much.

I love the mermaid uprising.
sudoku chapter 82 . 7/11/2016
Who turned into wood and got thrown overboard? Who got tortured by a cult and which bloodthirsty creature got tortured? I guess it's something to do with Belle's background that I don't watch.
I'm glad that all the rest realized how creepy Hook is and keep stomping or hitting him.
I can see now why Regina called Neal overly chill as he aids the "villains" in becoming more "cartoonish villainy".
Yup, those princesses in the show are stupid so at least you make Ariel more interesting.
Mir chapter 81 . 7/3/2016
When you said Mr. Quackington would be release into the wild I thought she might Emma would accdently turn him real and he would fly away from her, but what happen was so much funnier.

So Emma was so in her speech she do not notice everyone, except Neal, bickering. Neal once again is the sweet and respectful one. I love that Henry transport himself out of there.

I feel so sorry for Ruby!
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