Reviews for The things you hate about each other
Harry in the Hunger Games chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
No one writes for them anymore and it's so upsetting :(
Anyhoo nice story I like the idea of Rose knocking their heads together it would've probably always come down to that anyway I think!
And 'The Kidnapping' is still very enjoyable to read btw and I'm looking forward to some more
Hannah xx
Guest108 chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
Aww, I do love Blaisy! And as for the kidnapping, sounds to me like writers block, just use your holiday as time away from it and jot down anything you think of, even if it's just something you do when you are there! Have a great holiday! :)
J.4.5.M.1.N.3 chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Aww YASSSS! Hannah will be pleased that someone did another Blaisy oneshot. I am too! It's adorable! I love that movie, '10 Thing I Hate About You,' and I think someone else wrote a story on that too, but I'm not accusing you of copying her or anything because this is great! Can't wait for more of your stories!
FlyingcowMIHIGH chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
Love it ! Please write more ! Your the best