Reviews for I Prefer The Dark
Cinderella1268 chapter 10 . 4/24/2017
Fantastic story!This is the hardest Lizzington story I have ever read,its heartbreaking, intensely emotional,raw so deep!I tear up at the end.I was impressed with how realistic this scenario was.I especially like how you got into Red's head,I have to say that if a scenario of Red ever comes about on the show where he admit or ever hinted his true feelings out loud for Lizzie,I think the outcome would be similar to what you wrote here.I certainly would side with Red about Lizzie going back to Tom for all the wrong reasons,she should have never gone to him on that boat,hell!The moment Liz found that box,she should of walked away from Tom emotional and physically assaulted her, she found out that he was a pathological liar,the fucker put a gun to her head for God sake!So the fact that you so brilliantly came up with writing this story this way,was awesome,very believable scenario you wrote here,it was a painful but crazy enjoyable read at the same you loved it! LIZ&RED FOREVER..
Brooklynrene chapter 10 . 10/19/2016
WHHAAAAAATTTTTTT?! And it's been a year and nothing added?! Continue this story please!
DARK As Red chapter 10 . 1/10/2016
Ok I won't say beautifully written but brilliantly written. Next time put a warning at the start for people who start reading this late at night because the ending. Nope. I get the angst heading but not the romance.. Not sure this classifies as romantic. but brilliantly written.
Michelle My Belle chapter 10 . 12/31/2015
Argh...painful, but nonetheless very well written and believable. You're right, their journey may not end the way we hope, but if they don't even try, I'll be sorely disappointed. His pain at her turning to someone else for love is so visceral and it's a pretty powerful statement for a possessive man to admit that the sex doesn't bother him so much as the love. I've enjoyed this so much my friend! Even the appearance of Amanda the chef was a pleasant treat :)
spiderorchid chapter 10 . 12/28/2015
Alright, I'll just curl up into a little ball and cry for a while now... *sniffels*

While the first chapter felt a little akward at times (from the second chapter on the text has a better flow, if that makes any sense...), the story evolved into an excellent character study. I love that you continue to acknowledge Liz' background in psychology and how that helps her to understand Red better. Also, I absolutely adore the part where she tells him that perhaps she actually wants the darker site of life, his life. It makes sense for her character in the context of this story and as written in the series, in my opinion.
The ending is terribly sad but also terribly well written. I'm hoping that somewhere in this universe's future Liz, stubborn as she is, will find him again and be able to persuade him to give them a try.
Okay, I've had fantasies like that about "Gone with the Wind" too, for years - I'm a hopeless romantic. :)

Depressing, but well done. And I mean that as a compliment.
vaperez chapter 10 . 12/12/2015
that was the worst ending I couldvr thought of. why totally emotionally invest someone into a story just to hurt then? not cool totally not into the whole sad endings of some of the fanfiction
Michelle My Belle chapter 9 . 12/5/2015
I was thinking, when you wrote, "unemotionally, he closed the door..." and about how he was physically manifesting what he so desperately wanted to be able to close the door on his overwhelming emotions for her but now irretrievably connected to her, even more so than before, just can't. I loved the but about the devil. So excellently done, my friend! On to chapter 10...
Redlover chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
Great story...
Guest chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
Well damn, just tear my heart out and stomp on it, why don't you. You are so mean. I'm filing a complaint report ;) That was painful, but so, so good...ugh. It's gonna take me a little while to recover from that. Darn you!
foo armando chapter 10 . 12/2/2015
Is this the end ?!
almcvay1 chapter 10 . 12/1/2015
I hurts. Damaged, deluded Red and Lizzie. I love your Lizzie, morally ambiguous, full of human frailty and all that entails. This is like staring at the sun, it's brilliant but it hurts. "Emtionally unavailable masochist" is probably one of the best descriptions of Red ever. I'm flailing here trying to pick out just a few perfect diamonds. Seriously though, this is wonderful, pain with purpose. This is the story of Lizzie and Red and this is how it ends.

(Btw, Amanda and Michael, screaming internally)
Helpless in Love chapter 10 . 12/1/2015
I don't believe you finished here. Why making it sad? Very good story but the last chapter ... would you please make a alternate HAPPY end? Maybe a sequel, please?
ellesskay chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
Your dialogue is stunning. Arguments can be hard to capture, but you've done so here with ease. I also appreciate that although we're accustomed to happy endings, you've summoned the aplomb to give these characters an achingly realistic ending. Thanks for writing and I look forward to more from you soon.
Juulna chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
What!? That's it!? Gah! Damn, woman, I understand taking the risk for artistic purposes, and realism... But the FEELS! They are REAL.

Maybe one day you can epilogue this thing into something somewhat resembling fluffiness. Or I think we all might just die. :'(
carolaesba chapter 10 . 11/30/2015
Hi, this is my first review ever... This is just so beautiful, sad and real at the same time. You should never stop writing, because you have an incredible talent. This is definitely one of my favourite stories. My deepest respect and greetings from the other side of the world (Chile). Excuse my english, but is not my first language.
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