Reviews for Not From Others
DaughterofAthena00 chapter 1 . 8/1
This was amazing to read. You are an amazing writer, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was exactly how things happened while the trio was on the run. Great work!
Guest chapter 27 . 7/18
This chapter. Fuck. So beautiful
myusername123 chapter 35 . 7/7
Perfect ending. I'd like to think that sometime later, all the students, led by Dennis, went to the theatre together each with a bottle of coca cola in their hands. Thank you for such a great piece. Hope you and your family are well and that you are still writing. X
myusername123 chapter 30 . 7/7
I didn't realise how mature, worn out Harry is and basically how much hands on experience he has with war, grief and violence. He clearly stands out from other underage student from Ginny's POV, who is somewhat clueless, which is to be expected. Great portrayal, really adds depth to the characters. Ginny's excitement here is very convincing and well thought out on your part. I'm eager to see more. Hadn't really thought about it reading it from Harry's POV. Thanks for such a great chapter.
myusername123 chapter 29 . 7/7
This is so good i wish you could write the whole series in every character's POV
myusername123 chapter 28 . 7/7
You really added a lot of depth to Fred and George... I weep
myusername123 chapter 27 . 7/7
Oh no... ... Noooo... All the deaths didn't hit me as hard reading the books bc they were absent throughout most of the chapters, but this...slowly building up happy precious moments until... Is just so heart wrenching :(
myusername123 chapter 23 . 7/7
Colin shrugged helplessly. 'I dunno, it just is… Look, when things are safe again, I'll take you out to a Muggle café and we'll get a coke, yeah?'

༼;༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
i usually love canon compliant fics and this is the first time I wish it was AU... No please... Spare Colin... But yeah this was endearing. Whole new appreciation towards Ginny. Grear writing, very believable.
myusername123 chapter 22 . 7/7
Loving Ginny's interactions with Romilda. Cute. This chapter is heartbreaking.
myusername123 chapter 19 . 7/7
Shit I've been enjoying Colin and just realised that he... Oh no.. Dreading the ending. Great chapter once again.
myusername123 chapter 18 . 7/7
Fleur is endearing... Every single character is so well written. I'm 100 percent sure this is how it all went down. Yup this is canon, good enuff for me
myusername123 chapter 14 . 7/7
Shit Kreacher is endearing. I completely forgot about the radio programme! Enjoying this alot. Terrific
myusername123 chapter 13 . 7/7
Shit this is so endearing.
myusername123 chapter 11 . 7/7
Loving this. Always felt like we don't get to see Ginny much in the series, to the point that she sort of seemed like a mere plot device sometimes. You add so much depth to the character. Great writing and character portrayal. I mean, Snape is terrifying here EVEN THOUGH i know he's on Dumbledore's side, which is truer to canon since this is Ginny's POV. Terrific writing, really enjoying this. Thanks for sharing.
nanyinai chapter 35 . 7/5
Your writing style is so beautiful and the journey has been so emotional. I love how Charlie and Bill try to cheer up Molly. And "Careful, Perce, you'll give him a scar." Just lovely prose. Thank you for your story. 3
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