Reviews for A Nightmare Worse Than Death
Nanya chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
Man, and I JUST did the Conquest Route today as well.

Even though I knew what to expect... That was still really harsh.
The Green Spirit chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
A oneshot but a very great one at that, nice work!
DracoSlayer95 chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Okay Yuri buddy, this was pretty good for your first really long story it had some good comedic moments to balance out the seriousness as well, however, I feel as though the pacing is a bit quick, not by much since it still flows pretty well though. Also, I feel like if you wanted to have a bit more emotional impact then you could have tried showing off what was happening in Nepgear's dream from her perspective, we all pretty much know what the conquest ending is by now, but just imagine hearing about it from Nepgear's point of view, that'd would make it even more heartbreaking and add some effect to the whole emotional impact. Another thing, I have no idea why you went with Gear x Vert since there was very little indication from Nepgear herself that she was interested in her until the end, but by then it felt like it came out of nowhere so if you really wanted to make it seem like a more legit pairing you could have gone into Gear's POV like I suggested and when it came time to kill Vert there could have been a little monologue from Nepgear about how she liked her or something like that. Oh and I'm glad you added the Gear freaking out part at the end like I suggested, it makes way more sense than her just staring and being like "that's my sister for ya", y'know. So yeah, I can't really think of much else to say about this since you're one of the most talented writers I know so I'll leave it at that, nice job on your first long story buddy.
Pikatwig chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
This was really really REALLY well written. The pacing was superb and I can totally imagine Nepgear actually having nightmares about the Conquest Ending sometimes...

I can totally imagine everyone's worry when they heard her speaking about what was happening and Neptune endured a lot.

Over all, VERY great job!
Nexus Infinity chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
Great story, great flow, humor here and there to relive the atmosphere, sticks close to canon, but deviates enough to make the story different and interesting...
And there's even references! Including one to my favorite HDN FF out there!
Here's a favorite!
Bulldan chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
I love those references, cruel, but enjoyable.
Shoe Daddy chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Eight lines in and we're already taking potshots at the Grail.