Reviews for Hindsight
jasouatfan chapter 8 . 9/15
Aww love this baby dog connection
jasouatfan chapter 7 . 9/15
The baby sounds beautiful.
jasouatfan chapter 6 . 9/15
This is so beautiful. I just want to protect litittle Roland. Regina will love all her children equally
jasouatfan chapter 5 . 9/15
I’m so happy for them
jasouatfan chapter 4 . 9/15
I’m excited for them to have another baby. They have each other now for support. Henry and Roland will be great big brother
jasouatfan chapter 3 . 9/15
Aww I’m so happy for them. So sexy and intimate
jasouatfan chapter 2 . 9/15
Love this date.
jasouatfan chapter 1 . 9/15
This is so touching. Roland is absolutely precious and has an instant connection to his Gina just like his papa.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/8
Aww I love this. A little baby girl so cute
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
You're quite pathetic aren't you? Whining and crying over the rules here. Well they exist for a reason and if you are not mature, and responsible, enough to respect the ones you agreed to, twice, and the admins hard work then you really don't deserve to be posting on any site. Unfortunately for you, I'm more extreme than the group whom you call a troll. They gave you respect when they shouldn't have, seeing as you go on tumblr to whine like the entitled snowflake you think you are.

I'll ask, would you prefer to lose all your hard work and access to all your accounts. Yes, I'm not just talking about here. All of them. Have your stories stolen and copied throughout the internet. You could keep reporting, but the copies easily can reappear faster than a report response. Made into a troll.. Nah, you already are one, but I can make you bigger. There is a lot of unsavory things that can be done. So tell me egoist how much are you willing to lose for your foolish pride?

BTW congrats on becoming a cyber bully. What do I mean? If you need to ask that you really are a bit dim. You publicly made a post attacking innocent members for only letting you know about the rules here. You did this knowing your followers would go and harass the members, as well as spread more hate. It's small, and you may not think it does much damage, but it does go a long way. So how does your first taste at bullying feel? Don't deny it, it felt good to try and hurt others. It felt great to have people ganging up and attacking them. It even got a fellow troll willing to take you on. I can't wait to see how you respond to this. Your move now troll.
HuddyJibbsAddict chapter 8 . 2/7/2018
I'm not sure how I managed to miss this chapter? but I'm so glad I caught up cause it is absolutely beautiful, and I might be tearing up right now. This verse is a gem, Laura!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/5/2018
Love this story. And can’t see what beyond M someone could see here
lalaleigh chapter 8 . 1/29/2018
Laura you know I’ve gushed over this story everywhere else so I’m going to do it here as well haha this story is beautiful, brilliant, amazing and great! Hopefully you won’t let the comment below mine deter you from writing such amazing stories! Ones are these are so real and some of the most important! Thanks as always for sharing your amazing talent with us! Hindsight is magnificent!
ZadArchie chapter 3 . 1/28/2018
Just so you know, this story contains sexually explicit content, meaning it really should be rated MA. MA-rated content has not been allowed on this site since 2002, meaning it violates the Rules & Guidelines we all agreed to when we signed up for accounts. Not saying you can't write it, but saying this just isn't the place for it. There are plenty of other sites that would gladly take it, including, but not limited to, AO3 and AdultFanfiction. You could also write a watered-down version to stay kosher with site rules and post an unabridged version on another site. Take these suggestions into consideration, as they will help you avoid issues with the rules in the future. Please understand, I say what I say in the spirit of what this site is about: making good stories great, if not brilliant.

Critics United
Homogentisic Acid chapter 8 . 1/28/2018
I was rereading this 2 days ago! So glad to see an update, This is such a sweet story.
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