Reviews for SCP Case study FwTF: Ian Kyles
Guest chapter 7 . 7/12
Love the story my dude keep up the hard work
Zyriarch chapter 7 . 6/27
I give you an A for story, A for pacing, and some lower grade for your vs you're.
Ejala68 chapter 7 . 6/25
Great Fanfic. Hope you post the other parts of this story, I am intrigued as to where it will go. Hope that Ian can befriend some more SCPs. I like the interaction with 173. Good job.
bepika chapter 7 . 6/17
Liked the new chapter. Keep up the good work.
Bepika chapter 7 . 6/17
I liked this chapter a lot. But this kinda felt like it ended to fast... yes I did read the author's note. Also in the last chapters author's note, you talked about writing scp 682 in. I'm very excited about it. Anyways keep up the good work. I'm interested in where this story is going.
Bepika chapter 6 . 6/12
Since this story was updated, it was at the top of the scp mythos fan fiction. I just read the 6th chapter and I really like the story so far. Keep doing the good work.
random123games chapter 6 . 6/1
Right after I state this fic is dead, it is updated. I'm happy that I was wrong. Great update, and there are definetly improvements in the writing. Two years makes quite the difference doesn't it? Thanks for the update and keeping this story alive.
EdwardTheSleepless chapter 6 . 6/1
Back in my day we didn't have a SCP foundation mythos tab XD or maybe we did and I was to stupid to find it
random123games chapter 5 . 5/31
Man I really like this. But... It has been almost 2 years since the last update, safe to say that this is dead.
Ender the multiverse Detective chapter 2 . 1/22/2016
Very good
Ender the multiverse Detective chapter 1 . 1/19/2016