Reviews for Deleted Scenes
Alank2 chapter 15 . 6/20
It's really nice to see this story being continued! Also really good to see a Dom needing aftercare. It happens. Many people have wrong notions of what BDSM relationship is, and that Dom is always the person who's strong, responsible and supportive of Sub.

In reality, every relationship need to be balanced. BDSM is not about one person having everything and other nothing. It's about one person giving control to other, but taking safety in return. And it goes both ways, Doms can have a bad day and need help as well!
snoopykid chapter 15 . 6/13
Yay! Thank you for the update! Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Alank2 chapter 14 . 2/16
Again, great chapter as usual! It feels amazing to see this story come back to life again :).

While the scene itself was good, as usual, I must praise the ending specifically. Aftercare is absolutely important, subdrops also happen, simetimes even with proper aftercare. Very good description.

Ruby also seems to be very experienced, as usual. She managed to judge Weiss' limits really well, and despite still learning them she did good. And proper aftercare.

I would really love to say more, but it's just hard to say something. Amazing chapter, as usual!

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, but my life got kinda annoying in the last weeks and since Januray 1st I barely had time to read anything, just managed to catch my breath today and what a nice surprise here :).
snoopykid chapter 14 . 2/16
Awesome job with this story. I absolutely love dominant ruby. I hope you update soon!
IanAlphaAxel chapter 14 . 2/12
Awesome story!
Heavyarms150 chapter 1 . 2/12
Its not badly written but, you are aware that erotica and smut are the same and the only difference between smut and porn is smut is written right?
Alank2 chapter 13 . 10/25/2019
It's a shame how great stories fall into obscurity the moment they are not updated on the clock. This story is simply amazing. I do not think I've seen ANY other story that manages to show character getting into BDSM with such love and care.
I've read it long before I had an account here (actually, I made this account specifically to write this comment and fav this story! Benn lurking for too long). I'm still re-reading it every month or two, it's just so amazing. Loving, caring, and still dominant or submissive, it's wonderful. You may not know that or not believe it, but this story helped some people realise that BDSM is still about loving each other and being together, not different to any other activity, based on trust and love.
I sincerely hope we'll some more of this story.

... Aaand now that the (deserved, trust me, it's amazing story) praise is out of the way, a small question and perhaps idea for some later chapter; Weiss' reaction of having completely no idea what wooden horse is used for is really funny, how about Ruby showing her what it is and how great is it? ;) Just a small suggestion, I know you probably have like a ton of your own ideas for this, judging by the high quality of this story.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 13 . 8/2/2018
Not good. Not good.
I don't have any real experience with BDSM, but there is a level of respect, trust, and even love that goes into it.
Zen isn't necessarily being smart here, IMO. If he's not careful, he could cause major problems for his club and the members. Although, I do understand his frustration.
See you next chapter.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 12 . 8/31/2017
Omg, I love this. It's hard to put into words as to why, but I think it might be wishing to be in a similar position as Weiss. It's also because they're not perfect but willing to work together for each other to improve each other.
See you next chapter.
Fate-chan2015 chapter 11 . 9/23/2016
I'll continue to follow this fic :) I I'll hope to get a new chapter.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/22/2016
So… if you recall, I did consider the possibility that I had been misinterpreting things since the beginning. A possibility which I'm now going to accept as a reality.

What I like about Ruby and Weiss's relationship, as portrayed in your story, is that Weiss is the "stronger" one so to speak, but she just can't handle it all on her own. Ruby supports Weiss through her struggles, and gives her a private opportunity to give up her need for control. It always felt like a sacred sort of thing, that she could give up the freedom she's been fighting for her whole life, but have someone take better care of her than she could herself, and then give the freedom back with no strings attached.

That's the idea I fell in love with. But while you're doing something with a lot of depth, it evidently isn't that. The lack of privacy, the fact that they spend a whole day without Weiss having control, and the fact that Weiss can never "win" made that very clear. At least to me, it's actually becoming quite frightening, without that sacred personal touch to it.
Fate-chan2015 chapter 10 . 9/21/2016
Ohhhhh that gets better and better! Continue soon ;)
Fate-chan2015 chapter 9 . 9/17/2016
Guest chapter 8 . 7/23/2016
I seem to recall that everyone was surprised at Ozpin calling her "Weiss Rose" at graduation. So, maybe that's a continuity error for Ruby to have made the change.

It's also incredibly controlling of Ruby, for something that isn't a part of any scene. At this point, I am looking forward the payoff, but I'm hoping to hell that it's something about Ruby needing to take a step back. I know you've always got something deeper going on, but that's almost more harmful than helpful at times. If Yang's mental state (as it was originally presented) in Senior Year is any indication, you can easily make something deeper happen completely unintentionally.
EternalPKK chapter 7 . 7/23/2016
"Dumbly Weiss walked in Weiss's wake," believe that's supposed to be Ruby's wake.
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